Page 80 of Little Dolls

Shaking her, Jimmy’s voice became more commanding, “You have to. Clara stayed so that we could get away. We have to go find help before they hurt her.”

That stirred Katie a little. She liked Clara. The woman had been comforting and kind, and she’d felt safer around her. Maybe she should keep going, for Clara. But then again, only one of them needed to get help. Jimmy could go on without her. He could find someone to help Clara. He didn’t need her. No one needed her.

“Katie,” Jimmy sounded angry now. “Let’s go!”

“Go without me.” She could feel more tears coming on. “Just leave me and go.”

“No, I'm not leaving you, Katie!” Jimmy said fiercely.

He hauled her to her feet and began to run again, towing her along with him. Too tired, too numb to protest, Katie allowed him to guide her.

She didn’t know how long they ran. It felt like forever.

It was dark, but she liked the dark—she felt like darkness was inside her and when she was in the dark she blended in. It didn’t make her feel so out of place.

Suddenly, Jimmy froze. Not expecting him to stop so suddenly, Katie crashed into him, and both of them sprawled onto the ground.

“I hear footsteps,” he whispered. Not remaining still for long, he reclaimed his hold on her and pulled her into a nearby alley. “Shh,” he cautioned.

Katie thought she was being quiet. But it seemed she was wrong, because Jimmy clamped a hand over her mouth.


Coming closer.

She could feel Jimmy tense and ready himself to spring if a threat presented itself.

It wasthem.

Katie was sure of it. They were going to take her and Jimmy back to the doll room and kill them.

“Hello?” a voice called. A voice she hadn’t heard before. It wasn't them.

Jimmy relaxed, released her and jumped to his feet, throwing himself at the shadowy figure that stood at the end of the alley. “Help us, please, we need help. You have to call the police. They have to find her. They have to find Clara before it’s too late.”

“Whoa, young man. We’ll get you help, just calm down.”

“Please, you have to hurry,” Jimmy begged.

“Let’s get you in the car and then we’ll call for help.”

“No, wait, Katie,” Jimmy tugged his hand free of the man’s grip and came toward her.

A moment later she was bathed in bright, white light. She tried to shrink away from it. She didn’t like the light. She wanted the dark back. She could hide in the dark, but she couldn’t hide in the light.

“Hello there, little lady.” A man knelt in front of her, his smile was warm, his manner comfortable and easy. He felt safe, but she no longer trusted her instincts. Sensing her fear, he reached out a hand, held it in front of her, “It’s okay, little one; you're safe now. We’ll get you and your friend in my car, warm you up, get you something to eat and call your parents so you can go home.”

Home. That should comfort her, but it didn’t. Bursting into tears, she threw herself into the man’s arms. She wasn't sure she wanted to go home. She felt so alone, so lost; she didn’t know what to do to make those feelings go away.

* * * * *

6:44 A.M.

The sky was just beginning to lighten, transforming from the inky black of night to the dull gray of a winter day.

Jonathon’s heart had almost stopped when Allina called him earlier. Her phone call had roused him from a deep and dreamless sleep, and for a moment, when he’d awakened in Clara’s bed he had expected to find her slumbering in his arms. His partner had prefaced the conversation with a warning not to panic and to keep listening to her until she was finished. Of course, as soon as she said not to panic, the first thing he did was indeed panic. Allina had told him that Katie Logan and Jimmy Wallander had been found, but that there were no signs of Clara.

Clara had been gone for over twenty-four hours now.