Page 60 of Little Dolls

When Naomi was within striking distance, the woman whirled, plunging the knife downward. It connected with Naomi’s shoulder, and she yelped in pain.

Lunging for her sister, who was swaying unsteadily, Clara felt something pierce her arm.

It was a needle.

She’d just been injected with something.

Not one to go down without a fight, Naomi swung a fist at the woman, catching her on the side of the head. Woozy from the blood loss from her heavily bleeding shoulder, both Naomi and the woman staggered. The other woman was old, at least in her seventies, and even injured Naomi managed to get in a couple more blows.

Then another figure emerged, slamming something into Naomi’s head.

Her sister crumpled immediately.

Feeling woozy herself from whatever she’d just been injected with, Clara made a move for Naomi’s gun, which had clattered to the floor when Naomi had been stabbed.

Her legs refused to cooperate.

Refused to even hold her up.

She fell to her knees.

The world was spinning around her, the sensation sickening.

Her vision was beginning to gray, but Clara clung to consciousness; if she passed out, then both she and Naomi were as good as dead.

She tried to crawl on all fours to the gun.

She didn’t move at all.

Her arms wobbled.

The next thing she knew she was lying flat on her stomach.

She tried to drag herself.

She couldn’t.

The world was fading around her.

Two sets of shoes appeared before her.

Voices bumbled above her.

The world turned black.

* * * * *

12:53 A.M.

Jonathon knew as soon as he stepped inside the house that something wasn't right.

He’d wanted to get here earlier, but he and Allina had been busy running owners of toy shops from thirty years ago to see if anyone matched the description Clara had given them during her hypnotherapy session. Then he’d had some questions about Allina’s sister-in-law’s case.

By the time they’d talked that through, it had been around eleven and he’d thought he better pop home. So, he’d brought in the mail, taken a shower, packed a few clothes, then headed to Clara’s house.

Now he wished he’d come straight here.

His gaze was drawn to the back door, which stood partially open.