Page 16 of Little Dolls

* * * * *

10:48 A.M.

“Come on, hurry up,” Daniel urged his girlfriend.

“I'm coming,” Tamara snapped.

“We don’t have long,” he reminded her. His wife would notice if he was gone for longer than ten to fifteen minutes.

“I said, I’m coming,” Tamara growled again.

Not liking the look on her face, Daniel quickly gentled his voice, “I’m sorry, Tam. It won't always be like this; I promise.” If he didn’t stay on Tamara’s good side, then she wasn't going to put out. And he already had that problem with his wife. What was the point of having a girlfriend if she wasn't going to be willing to have sex all the time?

“You keep saying that,” Tamara grumbled. “But when are you going to leave her so we can be together?”

“Soon, baby, real soon.” He reached for her hand and squeezed. Daniel was happy to tell her whatever she wanted to hear, but he had no intention of leaving his wife. That would cost himwaytoo much money. Too bad he’d made his money after he was married—if he’d made it big before, he would have gone with a pre-nuptial agreement. It wasn't fair. His lazy wife hadn’t contributed a single thing to his business; all she did was hang around the house all day. Their kid was seven, and he was in school most of the time. Why couldn’t she get a job? She said that cooking and cleaning and laundry were a job, but she wasn't even good at any of those things.

And even if he did ditch his wife, what good would it do him to hook straight up with someone else? That would just be exchanging one set of problems for another. Women were all the same. They were all lazy, complaining losers. Good for only one thing. And since his wife had lost interest in him after their son was born, he’d had to start looking elsewhere to get his needs attended to. Hence the need for a girlfriend. Unfortunately, the downside to having a mistress was that time with her was limited. He worked long hours, had obligations at home, and very little time for fun.

Today, though, he’d needed some relaxation time. Tamara had been hounding him to spend time with her, and the wife had been hounding him to spend some time with her and the kid, so he had come up with the brilliant idea of bringing the two together. He’d told his wife to take their son out of school for the day so they could have family time at the park. Then once they’d gotten here, he’d said he’d forgotten about an important phone call he had to make. That bought him about fifteen minutes. And he intended to make the most of it.

“How soon?” Tamara pouted.

“Very soon,” he replied, fighting to keep his annoyance from showing in his voice. Sometimes Tamara could be such a whiner. She was almost more trouble than she was worth. Almost.


He pushed her up against a tree. “Promise,” he murmured before hungrily devouring her mouth as though he were starving. Tamara kissed him back just as hungrily.

Daniel broke away from her long enough to grab the blanket Tamara had brought with her. Last time they'd done it in the park she’d complained endlessly about the grass, and the bugs, and the sticks that had cut into her flesh. He’d told her next time to be more prepared, and it seemed she’d listened to him. When he’d joined her in the wooded area by the playground, she’d had the blanket in hand.

Deciding they were in a quiet enough place to have a quickie without anyone happening upon them, Daniel spread the blanket out and then pushed Tamara down onto it. He probably should have been a bit gentler, but he was already primed and ready to go. And Tamara didn’t seem to mind. She was turned on too and already reaching for his belt.

Neither of them noticed the cold as they tore off each other’s clothes. Coats, scarves, gloves, sweaters, pants, shoes, socks all thrown into a scattered pile surrounding the blanket. It wasn't until they were down to underwear that he noticed it.


Leading to their left.

Distractedly, his eyes followed the trail.

And he froze.

Someone was sitting on a bench just yards away. Why hadn’t they said anything?

Tamara’s hands slipped inside his underwear, but he stopped her. “Someone is watching us,” he whispered.

“So what? If they want to watch, let’s give them a really good show.”

With that, she bit his nipple, and he was about to give in and keep going when a thought occurred to him. What if the person on the bench was a private investigator hired by his wife? What if she’d learned of his affairs and wanted proof that he was cheating so she could divorce him and take half of everything he had worked so hard for? There was no way he was letting that happen.

“Tamara, stop,” he insisted, pushing away her hands and reaching for his pants.

“Daniel,” Tamara whined.

He ignored her; he was the one with something to lose if the private investigator got pictures of the two of them having sex, not Tamara. Once he’d yanked his pants on, he stood and pushed aside the branches of the bush partially separating them from whoever was on the other side and then paused uncertainly.

It didn’t look like a private investigator.