“No.” He took hold of her shoulders and pushed her gently away. “We can't.”

“Oh, you don’t want to?” she asked playfully, reaching between them to run a fingertip along the tent in his sweatpants.

He rolled his eyes and looked down, watching her fingers with a hungry look in his eyes that said he wanted to devour her. “You know Iwantto, but you're hurt, your chest, your neck, we shouldn’t.”

“I can take painkillers in the morning,” she told him. She wanted this, she needed this. She liked Nate, she was already a hairsbreadth away from loving him, why should they wait? After what they had lost they both deserved some happiness.

“Rylla,” Nate groaned.

Brushing her lips across his jaw, she whispered in his ear, “Make love to me, Nate.”

With another groan, he gave in, laying her down and settling himself on top of her. “You tell me if you're in too much pain,” he warned.

“Fine,” she agreed, shifting restlessly as her body instinctively tried to get closer to Nate. Right now, she would agree to anything so long as he touched her.

She shuddered out a moan as his lips nibbled at the sensitive spot on her neck behind her ear, and his hand found its way inside her panties.

He groaned as his fingers touched her center. “You’re already soaked for me. I don’t think I can do this slow, Rylla,” he said as one of his fingers slipped inside her making her internal muscles clench in anticipation. “I've wanted this for so long, dreamed about you, I'm not sure I have it in me to take you any other way than hot and fast. This time around anyway.”

Hot and heavy was exactly what she wanted. There would be time for slow and sweet later, time to explore each other’s bodies, right now she just wanted Nate inside her.

The quicker the better.

“Don’t care. I just need you, Nate,” she said, lifting her hips when he didn’t move the finger inside her, just held it there as though he were savoring the feel of her. “Hurry up.”

He smiled and then claimed her lips as another finger slid inside her. He curled his hand around so that his fingers could stroke that hidden spot inside her, and his thumb found her aching little bundle of nerves and teased with expert precision.

Her whole body was trembling, filling with desire, she was so close, already she could see the edges of the tidal wave of pleasure that was coming right for her.

“Stop.” She pushed at his shoulders. “I don’t want to come until you're inside me.”

Nate lifted his head. “Condom?”

“Don’t care, we don’t need them. I'm on the pill and I'm clean, there’s hardly been anyone since Josh and no one in almost two years.” She wanted to feel every inch of Nate’s rather impressive length without any barriers between them. She hadn't felt this connection with anyone other than her husband and if Nate didn’t hurry up and bury himself inside her, she thought she might just burst into flames, that was how hot he made her feel.

“I'm clean too.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

He laughed, and the sound did weird things to her heart, made it swell until it was almost painfully full. It had been so long since someone made her feel this way. Why exactly had she clung to her anger at Nate for so long?

Now it just felt like wasted months that they could have been exploring this thing between them, letting it grow.

Nate shoved his sweatpants down and ripped her panties off her—actually ripped them to pieces—then he entered her in one swift thrust.

Rylla gasped as he filled her, he was so big and it had been so long, for a second it felt like she was being ripped apart, but Nate didn’t give her time to dwell. He was moving, thrusting in and out of her hard and fast. His mouth captured hers again, his tongue thrusting in and out in time with his length.

The tidal wave was rushing closer.

Nate reached between them, touched her hard little bud, rolled it between his thumb and forefinger, and then pleasure was crashing over her.

Her toes curled.

Her fingers clawed at Nate’s back.

“Nate, Nate, Nate, Nate, Nate,” she panted over and over again as pleasure continued to cascade over her in wave after wave until it almost became too much.

She knew he reached his own climax because she felt him coming inside her and for a moment as she hung between earth and heaven, she wished that she wasn’t on birth control. Rylla would love nothing more than to be a mother again, to have a partner again.