Tonight, she would meet him for the very first time.

She knew what he looked like, and they had spent so many hours messaging that she felt like she had already met him. But tonight, it would be official. She would see him face to face, hear his voice, touch him, and maybe if she was lucky get to kiss him.

Georgia was so excited.

Like a little kid waiting for Santa Claus.

He was late.

It was quarter past eight, and he was supposed to be here at eight to pick her up.

She fussed with her dress while she waited. It was gorgeous. Breathtakingly gorgeous. He had sent it to her, specially delivered a week ago when they had finalized their plans to meet in person. It was gold, blue, and red and reminded her of a real-life, grown-up version of the dress Snow White wore in the classic Disney movie.

She had been thrilled to pieces when it arrived. Not just because it was beautiful, and not just because he had somehow known her exact dress size, but because she had mentioned in passing that Snow White had been her favorite princess when she was a little girl, and he had obviously remembered that and had this dress made especially for her.

It must have cost him a fortune.

He hadn’t mentioned being wealthy, but he obviously was, not that she cared. She wasn't after someone for their money, she had plenty of her own thanks to a successful career. She just wanted to meet a nice, sweet, thoughtful, loving guy, and a cute one was preferable but not a deal breaker.

From his pictures, her date for the evening wasn't just cute he was heart-stoppingly hot.

For a moment doubt paralyzed her.

Was he late on purpose? Had he backed out?

He might be hot, but she was just plain and boring.

Maybe he had decided he didn’t want to go through with this. Maybe he thought she just wasn't pretty enough. Or smart enough. Or sexy enough.

“Stop,” Georgia admonished herself. “Stop it. You're being ridiculous. He’s probably just late. Traffic. That’s all. Any minute now he’ll be here.”

She forced herself to drag in a long, slow breath. Then hold it, count to ten, and let it back out again. She repeated this several times until she felt her doubts and insecurities begin to fade.

One last check in the mirror and then she would go and wait downstairs.

Hair, makeup, dress, shoes, purse—everything looked in order.

Fighting her instincts to keep fiddling with things, aiming for a perfection she could never achieve, Georgia headed downstairs. She was at the top of the steps when her doorbell rang.

He was here.

Forcing back a very unladylike squeal, she clattered down the stairs as quickly as she could. After setting the alarm, Georgia flung open the door then frowned.

No one was there.

Had it just been neighborhood kids up to mischief?

Should she go back inside? She didn’t want it to seem like she was out here waiting for him. That would seem like she was desperate.

Georgia was about to head back inside when she noticed something at her feet. In the dark she couldn’t make out what it was. She bent and picked it up, it was a rose petal. Surprised, she glanced sideways toward the street.

A trail of petals led from her front door, down the garden path, to the gate.

In the street in front of her house sat a limousine.

Ithadbeen her date who rang the doorbell.

Straightening, Georgia hurried down the path as quickly as she could while still attempting to remain as elegant as possible.