“We have people working on it, but thank you,” Rylla said formally, borderline icily. “I really should go.”

“Stay for a while, please,” Naomi begged. “I'm bored, Sam won't let me work, I need some company.”

Rylla’s gaze darted quickly in his direction then skittered away again. It was clear from the look on her face that she didn't want to stay. Because of him. He had to explain to her why he’d said no when she asked him out. Explain that he’d been scared. That his ex-wife running and taking their son with her had made him afraid of getting involved with someone else. But he knew Rylla was different, she’d never do what Rachel had done. Maybe if he explained it to her, she’d forgive him and give him another chance.

“I’ll just grab a quick sandwich and then I’ll go,” Rylla finally said.

“Great.” Naomi beamed. “Sam and I will go whip something up.”

Sam rolled his eyes at Naomi but followed her into the kitchen. Rylla glared, and Sam fought back a snort. Naomi loved any opportunity to put him and Rylla in the same room together. He’d known her almost as long as he had known Sam, she was like a sister, and he was just as guilty of trying to set her and Sam up as she was of trying to set him and Rylla up. Although Sam and Naomi had known each other since they were children, it hadn’t been until a couple of years ago when someone started stalking Naomi that they had finally gotten together. As much as he wanted Rylla, he hoped it didn't take something that dramatic for them to get together.

Alone, he stared at Rylla, he didn't even know where to start trying to explain Rachel and Andrew. “Did you buy a new dress for Luke and Summer’s wedding?” he asked. He knew it was lame, but it was the best he could come up with.

She glared.

“I loved the dress you wore for Sam and Naomi’s wedding, the green matched your eyes so beautifully,” he tried again.

Her glare deepened. “I can't believe you’re bringing that up.”

“Rylla, I want to explain why I said no,” Nate said earnestly.

“I don’t care why,” she said haughtily.

He couldn’t blame her for not wanting to hear him out, he knew how he would have felt if their positions had been reversed. He’d be embarrassed and angry. He wouldn’t want to hear excuses, he would just want to forget it had ever happened and move on, he suspected Rylla felt the same way. But Rylla hadn’t moved on. It had been fifteen months and she hadn’t dated anyone else, that had to mean he still had a shot. He hoped.

“It’s not what you think,” he tried again. “I wanted to say yes, but …”

“I. Don’t. Care,” she over enunciated each word. “Look, we have to see each other, it’s inevitable, Sam’s your best friend and Naomi’s mine, but that’s it. I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to listen to anything you have to say. I don’t care why you said no, I don’t care about you at all. Tell Naomi I'm sorry but I had to go.”

With that she turned and stalked out of the room.

Nate watched her go then stared at the empty doorway.

Okay, so that had been a disaster. Getting Rylla to listen to him was going to be harder than he thought. But Rylla wouldn’t be this angry if she hadn’t felt something for him. He didn't know why his rejection had hurt her so badly, but he intended to find out. He liked her, he thought they could be happy together, he thought he could love her, he wasn't walking away from her just like he wasn't walking away from his son.

* * * * *

7:58 P.M.

He was still furious.


So angry it was a wonder he was able to function at all.

He was beginning to think that the woman he was looking for didn't exist. He’d had three failures now. Three women he thought were the answer to his prayers and all three had not lived up to his expectations.

Jeannie Jones. Fail.

Tillie Schueman. Fail.

Georgia Lars. Fail.


