“Wait!” I was about to hang up, but her plea stops me.

“What is it?”

“Is she quitting?”

“Look, there’s just a lot going on, and working at the shop is not a high priority anymore. Sorry for not contacting you sooner, but that’s the truth. Good luck with everything, though.”

“Oh, okay. Well, um,” she starts to stumble with her words. It seems that Abigail has lost whatever fire was in her belly. “Just tell Tammy I hope things work out then. Bye, I guess.”

“Yeah, bye.”

“Wait, sorry, one more thing. Could you let Tammy know that I really do appreciate all of the work she’s done for me? I’ve never told her that, and if she ends up not coming back, I just want her to know that I did like her.”

“I’ll tell her.”

“Okay, thank you. Bye.” Abigail hangs up, and I put Tammy’s phone down. I can’t believe I didn’t think to call Tammy’s job. Of course she would have to call out. This is the most disorganized I’ve ever been.

Something needs to change. Maybe it’s time to change this routine we’ve gotten ourselves into.

I’m about to go into the bedroom to see if I can convince Tammy to talk, but she emerges all on her own. She’s wearing a white t-shirt of mine and a pair of panties. If she were anyone else, I would be sick of looking at her by now – and maybe even a little resentful – but all I want is for Tammy to get back to her old self.

“Hey,” I say. A bit anticlimactic for a greeting, but it’s all that comes to mind.

“Good morning.” It’s not morning, but I don’t really care enough to correct Tammy on her mistake. “What day is it?”

“Um, it’s Wednesday.”

“Oh wow.” She seems genuinely surprised. I’ve never seen someone so thoroughly check out from reality before. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shut down like that.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s just nice to hear you finally talking.”

She stands there looking at me for a few moments. It’s like there’s something she wants to tell me, but she can’t quite bring herself to. I don’t want to sit in the silence anymore, though, so I break it.

“Are you hungry?”


“Would you like something to eat?” Tammy looks like she is about to say no, but then her stomach lets out a loud grumble.

“Sounds like I don’t really have a choice in the matter,” she smiles. It’s the first one I’ve seen on her face in days. I take it as a good sign.

“Come into the kitchen. I’ll heat something up for you.” Tammy follows me, and I get some leftovers from the fridge. I’ve been ordering food. I assumed Tammy wouldn’t want anyone else in the apartment, so I gave my staff some paid time off. I’ve had some time to cook but not a whole lot. Plus, I’ve been working from home. Add that to taking care of Tammy, and I’ve been under quite the time crunch.

I pass the heated food to Tammy, and she devours it. I’m not surprised. She has been eating these past few days, but not a whole lot.

“Do you have any plans?” I ask once she’s done. She worries her bottom lip between her teeth.

“I’m going to see Mamie. I also have to go talk to my boss at the flower shop. I’m sure she’s fuming that I haven’t checked in for a week.”

“I actually spoke to her this morning.”

“You did?” Tammy’s eyes go wide. “She was mad, wasn’t she?”

“Actually, she wanted to know if you were okay. Even asked me to tell you that she values you as an employee and as a person.” Tammy deeply furrows her brow, looking at me like I’m crazy.

“You’re lying. Abigail would never say that. Not unless it was under threat of death, and I’m sure, even then, she’d be reluctant.”

“It’s what she said,” I shrug. “I don’t know what else to tell you.”

“Huh, weird,” Tammy mumbles to herself. Her gaze turns to the window, and she stares at the tree line. She’s lost in her own world again. I want to break in and reach her, but I don’t know how.

“I’m going to go take a quick shower.” Tammy looks over at me when I talk. “You’ll be okay?”

“Of course. I’m a big girl, Brick. I can look after myself.”

“Okay. I’ll be done soon.” I leave her in the kitchen. I’m not sure whether or not to be worried about Tammy. Yes, she’s finally out and about, talking again, but something is still off.

But I’m not about to solve all of our current problems right now, so I go to the bathroom, get completely undressed, and step under the hot spray of the shower. I audibly sigh, the tension in my muscles partially relieved by the heat. I’m so caught up in my shower that I don’t notice Tammy has come into the bathroom until she pulls open the shower curtain.