“Brick,” she sighs. Her voice gets more and more high-pitched until it breaks into a quiet wail. I keep pumping my dick, essentially tugging on it like I’m in a game of tug of war. I grunt as sperm spills into my hand. I let out a strained sigh, relaxing into my chair. I’ve had phone sex before, and it never really appealed to me, but I could do this a thousand times with Tammy and never get tired of it.
“That felt so good,” she sighs.
“Well, I can’t wait to see you so that I can make you feel even better.”
“I can’t wait for that–” she stops abruptly, the sound of movement coming through the phone.
“Tammy, is everything okay?” She doesn’t answer, and I’m starting to get worried. “Tammy, can you answer me?”
“Uh, I have to go. I think my parents just came home. Sorry, I’ll talk you later. Bye!” I don’t get a chance to say anything before I hear Tammy yell. “I’m fine, Mom. I just need to put on some clothes!” And then she hangs up.
I chuckle softly to myself. I remember the teenage days of trying to sneak around. My mom was pretty lenient, but she wasn’t new age or anything. I had my fair share of deception when it came to the more sordid side of my life. But I haven’t done any of that since I was eighteen. It feels weird going back to that kind of lifestyle.
Surprisingly, though, I’m finding that it’s adding an edge to our relationship.
I put my phone down and take my hand out of my pants. Before I get back to editing, I’ve got to go clean myself up. I’m actually due for a break right about now anyway. I check the clock; I’ve been squirreled away in my office for almost five hours. I need to stretch and probably make myself lunch.
I go to the bathroom and take off my sweatpants, tossing them in the hamper. After getting myself cleaned up, I put on fresh clothes and head to my kitchen.
As I sit eating the salad I made, I get a notification on my phone. Checking it, I see it’s a text from Tammy.
Sorry for hanging up like that. Just need to be more careful about doing things like that when I’m home. We might just have to stick to texting when I’m in the house…
I hold my hand over my mouth, suppressing laughter. For who, I don’t know, but Tammy can be quite ridiculous sometimes. In the most delightful way, but ridiculous nonetheless.
Maybe I should do something else to surprise her. Potting Beauties was a stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. I didn’t even know she used to do ceramics. My mind just went to that because I knew flowers needed to be in vases, so I thought it made sense. I was originally going to make her a vase, but it quickly became apparent that I did not have the necessary skills to do that. I barely got the bowl made.
Tammy, though, she was a pro. She was being modest about her skills, but it’s clear she knows her way around a pottery wheel. I should definitely take her there again. And I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.
But our second date should be somewhere different. Maybe I should take her somewhere that shows her something about me. She still seems somewhat apprehensive around me, but I can’t blame her. The way this whole affair kicked off, she has every right to be somewhat wary. I just hope that her nerves dissipate at some point. I don’t want to have a relationship where my partner fears me to some degree.
“Ugh, I’m not used to this…” We just had our first date, and I’m already worrying about the second. I guess this is what it means to like a girl.
My phone rings again, taking me out of my impromptu thought spiral. I wonder if it’s Tammy again. She did just say we should stick to texting, but maybe she got out of the house.
“Brick! I see our ‘freelancer’ is getting some work done.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I just got an email that there have been some recent edits to the action project.” Right. I forgot that Robert and I get alerts regarding edits. I muted mine for the day because I knew I was the one making the changes.
“Yeah, I thought I’d pitch in and see if we can cut down on that two-week delay. I got a few too many angry emails regarding this project. People are not happy.”
It’s a highly anticipated release. We were able to get some real A-listers and an up-and-coming director. The reason time is so of the essence is because we want to get it finished in time for this year’s award season. We gave ourselves a good leeway, but that doesn’t mean delays aren’t alarming nonetheless.