Once Perry and Sally are gone, Robert and I have high-five. I know I said this meeting wasn’t that big of a deal because it was a pretty sure thing, but I’m still beyond excited that we’ve finally got this whole deal done.
“We did it, man! We did it! We’re going international.”
“Fuck, yeah!” Robert replies. “Maybe you’ll finally let a few passion projects through.”
Robert and I have talked about how strict my acceptance policy has been. With this deal, we’ll be able to be a little more lenient with the scripts. Or I guess since it’s more of a me issue, I’ll be more lenient with the scripts.
“Yes, I’ll let a few more things get funded. I can also be a little less of a jerk about it as well. I know people think I come down a little hard, even if they don’t say it to my face.”
“You just do whatever you want to do because now we’ve got the means, my man.” Robert and I finish our glasses, but when he offers me the rest of the bottle, I turn him down.
“I’ve actually got to head out a little early. I have a date with Tammy tonight, so there are a few things I need to pick up beforehand. I’ve got to keep myself nice and sober for now.”
“A date with Tammy, huh? You guys getting serious?”
“We’ve kind of just been seeing one another so far.”
“Mm-hmm, yeah. Have a good night either way, man. I’ll see you tomorrow, eh?” Robert finishes his goodbye and then takes the champagne bottle with him. I’m sure he’s about to have a good night.
Just like I plan to.
Brick and I have another date tomorrow. These past few months have been magical. Who would ever have thought that I’d be happy in a relationship with such a perfect man? At the beginning of all of this, I thought Brick might just be trying to scratch an itch, and I was more than happy to be his scratching post. But as more time goes by, it’s starting to feel like a real relationship.
Mamie has been the perfect confidant. I’m so happy I let her know all of the details. It’s nice to have someone to talk to. The bubble Brick and I had was a nice bubble, but having Mamie in the bubble has only made the experience better.
She helps me see if I’m overthinking things.
“Sometimes, I wonder if he’s too perfect,” I confess to my friend.
Abigail let me off early today, strangely enough. She’s been very different lately. As a boss, I still don’t like her. She’s difficult, demanding, and never admits when she’s wrong, but in the past couple of weeks, she’s been making attempts to be more understanding.
I wonder if that’s because she’s been feeling a different energy from me recently. I’ve noticed myself that I’m not rolling over as easily. I’ve started standing up for myself, and I guess that’s made her realize she can’t do whatever she wants to me.
But I’m not going to read too much into it. So many things in my life are looking up right now, and I’m not in the business of questioning a good thing.
Unless it has to do with Brick. When it comes to him, I question almost every damn thing. I can’t help but get these gnawing feelings about him occasionally.
“Oh, come on, Tammy. Don’t get all in your head about Brick. The guy adores you. He fucking tries to sweep you off your feet, and may I add he succeeds, like, every week. The dates he’s taken you on were absolutely amazing. Just hearing about them makes my ovaries burst.”
“I know, I know. He’s everything that makes up the perfect boyfriend. He’s attentive and kind, he listens to me, he makes me laugh, and we have fun together. It’s really all great, but…” I trail off.
“But what? Don’t leave me in suspense!”
“I’m not his girlfriend. I mean, we do everything that a boyfriend and girlfriend do, but he hasn’t, you know, made things official. It’s making me question our relationship and wonder if what we have feels as serious to him as it does to me.”
“Oh, Tammy. He’s a guy. He probably thinks you guys are already a couple simply because you do couple things. If you don’t tell him you need a formal declaration, he might not give it to you. Trust me, men are some of the most clueless creatures on this earth. All you have to do is ask him. I know the man is crazy about you. He wouldn’t work so hard to make you happy if he wasn’t.”
I’m sure Mamie is right. It’s probably all in my head. Doubts that I’m conjuring up in my head because I am feeling self-conscious.
“Okay, okay. You’re right. I need to calm down. I’m sure everything is fine. I’m overthinking it, and I just need to enjoy being with him.”