She still had to go back to the restaurant to get her car, but she just couldn’t summon enough energy to care. Maybe she’d call in sick to work. She never took sick days. Ever. But she just didn’t think she could face anyone today.

Summer didn’t even want to face the world. She was still in bed, curled up in a little ball, with her covers pulled right up to her chin. She wanted to stay there.


She wanted to cry but she couldn’t. Wanted to sleep too but couldn’t do that either.

What she really wanted was to go back in time to when she was eighteen and turn down Carlton when he asked her out.

Reaching a hand beneath the tank top she slept in, Summer pulled out the thin chain that held two simple gold rings. Wedding rings. Hers and Carlton’s wedding rings. For some reason, she couldn’t seem to part with them. She hated wearing them and yet every single time she had taken them off she’d had a panic attack and had to quickly slip the chain back around her neck. She rolled them between her fingers, fiddling with them as she usually did when she was anxious and didn’t know how to overcome the feeling.

The sound of her doorbell chiming made her lift her head from her pillow.

Should she answer it?

Aggie was probably coming to check on her and make sure she was okay after last night. She thought she remembered that her friend had wanted to stay with her, but she’d told Aggie no, saying she needed to be alone. She had needed to process what had happened and the potential consequences.

Was she going to keep dating Luke?

Did she think he was guilty?

No, she didn’t. But could she really trust her judgment? She’d been so sure the cops were wrong about Carlton, but they weren’t. They were right. Her refusal to believe it had almost cost her her life.

She couldn’t make that mistake again.

The doorbell buzzed.

Why couldn’t whoever it was just leave her alone? She didn’t want to see anyone, she didn’t want to talk to anyone.

She buried her head under the blankets, wishing she could block out the world as easily.

Another ring of the doorbell and she sighed and threw back the covers. Whoever it was clearly wasn't going anywhere until they saw her. If it was Aggie, she could just assure her friend that she was okay, then go back to bed.

Reluctantly she climbed out of bed, stuck her feet into her fuzzy bunny slippers, and shuffled to the front door.

“Luke.” She gasped when she’d opened the door. He was wearing the same clothes he’d been in last night. Had he been at the police station all this time?

“I hope it was okay to come here,” he said.

He looked lost. His blue eyes, which she was used to seeing sparkling like sapphires, were dull and troubled, and for once there was no smile on his face. “Of course, I'm glad you came.”

His eyebrows arched disbelievingly. “You are?”

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because I was dragged off by the cops in the middle of our first date.”

“I'm sure it was a misunderstanding,” she said and hoped she was right. It wasn't that she doubted Luke so much as she doubted herself.

“Are you?” he challenged.

Allowing herself to release her uncertainties, Summer met his gaze square on. “Yes, I am.”

Luke’s face softened. “I don’t deserve you,” he said softly.

And she felt like she didn’t deserve him. After all,shewas the one who had taken a life. “I was worried about you. I haven’t slept all night, and it looks like you haven't either. Come in, I’ll cook you breakfast.”

“You are amazing.”