Her love life had also taken a hit after she found out she was pregnant.

Who wanted to date a woman who had another man’s baby?

No one, that’s who.

Well, maybe not no one.

Yesterday she’d met Luke.

She’d been harried, running late as usual, desperate to get the baby to the nanny in enough time to have ten minutes to herself for a quiet cup of coffee when she got to work before she started her shift.

Instead, she had walked headlong into someone, dropped her belongings, almost dropped her child, and spilled lukewarm coffee all over herself.

But when she’d seen who the someone she’d walked into was, her whole day had brightened instantly.

Luke was good-looking, charming, sweet, and most importantly a genius when it came to babies. He’d calmed Timmy down almost instantaneously. She could certainly put those skills to good use when he decided to scream his lungs out the second she got them both home in the evenings or the moment she had him settled and ducked to the bathroom for five minutes, or when he decided to wake her up at one in the morning, or any one of the seemingly hundreds of other times a day when he screamed his lungs out.

Megan had thought that Luke was interested. He’d taken the time to help her out, let her gather her things and herself while he calmed Timmy down. He’d even discreetly checked her out. But when she’d garnered the courage to just ask him out when it became clear something was holding him back from asking himself, she’d found out that there was indeed something holding him back.

Another woman.

Of course there was another woman.

The guy was way too hot to be single.

And yet he’d intimated that the thing between him and the other woman wasn't a done deal. So maybe there was a chance he would take her up on her offer and come find her and ask her out on a date.

She could always dream.

Maybe one day she’d have a real family.

She couldn’t give up hope on that. She still wanted a husband, she wanted Timmy to have a father, she wanted him to have brothers and sisters.

As she pulled up in front of the nanny’s house and climbed from the car, she prepared herself for another day. It was icy cold, snow fluttered intermittently through the air, the sky was gray, the day dreary. Perhaps that was one of the reasons she was feeling so down lately.

The weather had always played a big part in her moods and emotions.

Once spring came and the days got longer and warmer, and there was more sunshine and blue skies than clouds, she would surely feel better about things. And Timmy was getting bigger, soon he would sleep peacefully through the night, more sleep was also bound to help both of them.

She just had to hold it together, keep slugging through each day, and one day she’d realize that she was no longer just coping but thriving and relishing every second of her life.

Not bothering with her coat for the short walk up the drive, Megan grabbed the baby’s bag and her handbag, and then scooped Timmy out of his car seat. As she did, he looked her right in the eye and gave her a huge smile, and her heart melted.

Life wasn't really so bad.

So, she was tired and lonely, so what? She had this beautiful baby boy who made her heart swell so full of love she often wondered how it still fit in her chest.

“Come on, pumpkin,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. She loved the feel of his silky soft baby hair. And she loved his baby soft skin. And she loved the way he smelled right after she gave him his bath. And she loved the way he always snuggled closer when she stretched out on the sofa with him in her arms.

Okay, she chuckled, she loved every single thing about him.

He was perfect.

Balancing the baby and her bags, she hurried carefully up the front path, making sure there weren’t any icy patches that she might slip on. A broken bone was the last thing she needed right now.

Megan was about to ring the doorbell when she noticed that a light was on in the garage and the garage door was partly open. Judy must be in there. The friend of a friend who watched her son was a widow whose only son lived overseas, but she had an elderly mother in a nursing home who kept very poor health. Maybe she’d had a call that her mom’s condition had deteriorated, and she needed to go and visit her.

She hadn’t received a phone call, but then again, she usually put her phone on silent so it didn’t wake her up during the night, so perhaps she had forgotten to take it off silent and had missed the call.