11:34 P.M.

He was going insane.

Why hadn’t they found Summer yet?

It had been hours. They knew she had been drugged, whoever took her could be doing anything to her. That terrified him. Under the influence of Rohypnol, she wouldn’t be able to fight back, she would have no hope of protecting herself.

What was he doing to her?

Luke knew it was Chance.

Chance was the one who had abducted Summer, and he was the real Nursery Rhyme Killer. He had tried telling Detective Dawson that, but the other man wasn't interested in hearing it.

Maybe there was a possibility he could convince them that Chance was the kidnapper, but there was no way that he could convince them that he was also the killer. They were one hundred percent convinced that he was guilty.

No, Luke corrected himself. Perhaps that wasn't quite true. Detective Dawson had some doubts about his guilt. If he could just find something, anything, that hinted at Chance Zieglar's guilt, he was sure that the detective would look into it.

But how would he find evidence while he was stuck here at the station?

At least Detective Dawson had taken pity on him and left the interview room door open so that he was free to use the bathroom and feel like he was a little less of a prisoner. They’d also brought him coffee and some sandwiches. He couldn’t stomach the thought of eating right now, not when his gut swirled with nauseous anxiety over Summer, but he’d drunk five cups of coffee already.

He had to get out of here. He had no idea how, but he knew he had to. He had to do something to help find Summer. Just sitting here was making him feel so useless. He had to do something. Anything. He couldn’t do nothing a minute longer.

Just when he thought he would explode, his brother appeared in the doorway.

Luke practically pounced on him. “Did they find Summer?”

“No, not yet. I'm sorry, Luke.”

“How’s Aggie?”

“She’s all right. I made her go in an ambulance to the hospital to be checked out, thankfully she was still too out of it to put up much of a protest. They released her about an hour ago, I took her to Naomi and Sam’s so she wouldn’t be alone then came here to check on you.”

“Does she remember anything?” Aggie might be the only one who could give the cops proof that Chance was the man they were looking for.

“No, not really. One of the effects of Rohypnol is that it causes amnesia.”

“I know that,” he snapped at Nick. He wasn't really annoyed at his brother, but he needed someone to take his fear and frustrations out on, and right now, that person was Nick.

“I know you do,” Nick said calmly. “I was just saying that because of that, Aggie doesn’t remember anything between drinking a cup of tea and me arriving.”

“But she remembers Summer being there when she was drinking tea.”


“And Chance being there?”

“Yes. Hope too.”

“It’s Chance, I know it is.”

“Jonathon mentioned you thought that.”

“You know Chance better than I do, I've only met him once. Do you think he’s capable of doing this?”

“I suppose, theoretically, pretty much anyone is capable of pretty much anything put in the right circumstances. But why would he kidnap Summer and Hope?”

“Maybe he’s crazy.”