
“Are you sure you don’t have time for just a little fun?” His fingers returned to her lips, brushing tantalizingly back and forth across them. His other hand rose to one of her breasts, massaging it so expertly she could barely think straight.

No, she told herself. Be good. It really was tempting, but she had to go home, shower and change, then drive to work. Max was counting on her, and she couldn’t let him down. Especially not for sex.

“I can't,” she said, although it didn’t come out sounding very convincing, and she was unable to resist drawing Luke’s finger into her mouth and sucking lightly on it.

“You do that, and we won't be getting out of bed all day let alone in time for you to get to your meeting.” Luke groaned and rolled her over so she was draped across his chest.

“Sorry.” She smiled smugly, pleased she was able to make his body respond just as easily as he was able to make hers respond. It had been a long time since she had had sex, and she’d only ever had the one partner. She knew Luke had been with lots of women, and she had been a little concerned that her lack of experience was going to be an issue. She needn’t have worried though, she seemed to be able to drive Luke crazy without even trying.

“You're not sorry at all.” He laughed, then kissed her.

Summer propped herself up. “What are you doing today?”

“Driving you to your meeting, taking you out to lunch, then bringing you right back here.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Spending the day in bed with Luke was exactly what she needed right now. She needed to make up for so much lost time. Every time he touched her, she felt herself plug further back into the real world, the world which she had worked so hard to distance herself from. Now she wanted to live in it, she wanted to feel what normal people felt, she wanted to fall in love, and she couldn’t deny that she was already heading there with Luke.

“You have to take a shower, right?”


“And I have to take a shower, right?”

She giggled, knowing where this was heading. “Right.”

“And it would save both timeandwater if we took one together, right?”

“I suppose you're right,” she drawled.

“Darn straight I'm right.” He scampered out of bed and draped her over his shoulder, practically running to the bathroom.

Things with Luke were so relaxed and easy. She didn’t have to worry about what to say or do. He knew about Carlton and that she blamed herself for not knowing what he was doing and stopping him sooner and he still wanted to be with her. For the first time in a long time, she was actually excited about the future. Each day her feelings for Luke grew.

Luke was just opening the bathroom door when his doorbell rang. He froze, obviously debating whether to answer it or ignore it and take their shower.

She made the decision for him, really they didn’t have time to get distracted in the shower. “Get the door,” she told him, “then you can drive me home, and I’ll shower and change there. The quicker I get to my meeting, the quicker I’ll be done.”

“That is true, but I'd still rather take a shower together.” He set her on her feet, gave her a quick kiss, and then went to put on some clothes.

Summer couldn’t stop smiling as she gathered her clothes from last night and got dressed. She felt ridiculously happy, and although part of her wished that she had let go of the past earlier, another part of her didn’t because if she’d moved on earlier, she would never have met Luke.

Voices wafted through from the living room. Wondering what was going on she quickly zipped up her boots and went to find out.

As soon as she walked through the door and saw who was there, her stomach dropped.

“Luke?” She went straight to him and wrapped an arm around his waist.

“Summer, why don’t you grab your things and I’ll have someone drive you home,” Jonathon said.

She ignored him. “What's going on?” she asked Luke.

“They have a search warrant for my apartment,” he told her.

“A search warrant?” she repeated. If Jonathon and Allina had been able to get a search warrant, then they had enough on Luke to convince a judge to sign off on the search.

“It’s fine,” Luke assured her, “they can look all they want, they won't find anything.”