Luke had a lot of great qualities. Sweet, kind, gentle, and she had never had anyone fight for her before. Since Carlton’s death, she had been asked out plenty of times, but a simple, polite rejection was always enough to turn the guy away. Which was what she had wanted. Or at least what she hadthoughtthat she wanted. But Luke’s determination had won her over, and she was so glad. Maybe it had something to do with the timing as well, she had finally reached a place in her life where she was ready to move forward. The fact that she admired Luke’s honesty and respected him admitting his checklist mentality when they first met made trusting him easier.

One minute to go.

She gave a last check of her outfit. She was glad she’d gotten a good night’s rest. She had a sneaking suspicion that was because Luke had slipped her a sleeping pill last night. She wasn’t mad about it, after spending the day celebrating Chance and Hope’s engagement, she had been worn out and needed the rest, and now she was refreshed and ready for her date.

Summer was just about to glance at her watch again when the doorbell rang. Right on time, she smiled to herself as she went to let Luke in.

“You look breathtaking,” he said as soon as she opened the door.

It had taken her hours to decide on just the right outfit. Black jeans, knee-high black boots, and a pink cashmere sweater. She had added a little makeup and swept her hair up into a simple ponytail. She had missed the fun of dressing for a date. In high school and college, she and her friends had loved trying out dozens of outfits and doing each other’s hair in preparation for dates. It had been fun to be able to do that again.

The anticipation of seeing the look on Luke’s face when he saw her had her stomach turning cartwheels all day. “Thank you.” She smiled up at him.

“For you.” He held out a bouquet of pink and yellow roses.

“They're beautiful,” she gushed. She loved flowers.

“Nowhere near as beautiful as you.” Luke winked.

“You are good for my ego,” she said with a laugh. “Come in while I put these in water.” Summer had not expected to feel so comfortable with dating after so long out of circulation, but Luke put her at ease. He was always in such a good mood, even with the police suspicion hanging over him.

She wasn't going to think about that tonight though.

Tonight was just about having fun and enjoying herself.

“So, what are we doing tonight?” she asked as she grabbed a vase and filled it with water.

“It’s a surprise.”

“A surprise?” Last time she had insisted on knowing their plans ahead of time, she hadn’t been ready to have Luke come to her home to pick her up. Now though, he’d spent the last two nights in her spare bedroom, so she had been fine with letting him plan out the whole night.

“Yep, one hint though, you’re going to need to dress warmly.”

That piqued her interest. “How warmly?” she asked as she set the flowers in the vase and quickly arranged them.

“Verywarmly. Coat, scarf, gloves, and beanie.”

Okay, her interest was really piqued now. Obviously, Luke had something outdoorsy planned, but what? She couldn’t wait to find out. “I’ll go grab my stuff,” she told him.

“Meet you at the front door.”

She nodded and hurried as best she could with her stiff knee up the stairs to her room. Summer yanked on a pair of pink leather gloves, wrapped a thick pink scarf around her neck, and put on a pink beanie with a big pompom on top. Then she slipped on her thickest, warmest, woolen coat and hurried back downstairs. She couldn’t wait to find out what Luke had organized for them.

“That was quick.”

“I'm dying of anticipation here,” she told him. “You’re wearing a jacket. I haven't seen you in a jacket since we met. It’s something outside, right?”

Luke laughed. “Let me put you out of your misery.”

He opened her front door and guided her out, and she gasped in delight. “Oh, it’s magical,” she gushed.

“You like it?”

“Iloveit,” she assured him. “I couldn’t have thought up anything more perfect if I tried.”

As they walked down her front path to the horse-drawn carriage waiting for them, Luke took hold of her hand. The simple gesture nearly turned her into a puddle of goo. Carlton had never held her hand. Her relationship with him had been hot and heavy and passionate, but there hadn’t been the intimacy that she already felt with Luke. In her late teens and early twenties, the fiery love affair she’d had with her husband had been just what she wanted, but now, a decade later, she wanted so much more. She wanted intimacy, a connection, and someone she could come home from work to and curl up on the sofa, eat a home-cooked dinner, and talk with about their days.

“Here you go.” Luke released her hand and grasped her elbow, helping to boost her up into the carriage.