Tears would lead to questions.

Questions she didn’t want to answer.


* * * * *

8:02 P.M.

“I’m really glad your case wrapped up quicker than you anticipated.” Aggie sighed contently, slipped her arms around her husband’s waist, and rested her cheek against his back.

She loved this.

Just the everyday stuff of being married.

Standing in the kitchen, watching her man cook her dinner, just enjoying being together.Thiswas what she had dreamed about her whole life. She had wanted to get married for as long as she could remember. As a little girl, playing weddings had been her favorite game, and as she got older, her search for her prince charming had intensified.

Aggie had been so obsessed with finding the right man that she had messed up along the way, falling for guys who were no good for her.

But then she met Nickolas Sleigh.

Things had gotten off to a rocky start when she learned Nick wasn't who she thought he was. It had taken time for her to learn to trust him again, but when she had allowed herself to let go of all the distrust and hurt, she had found the one thing she had been looking for. A man who loved her more than anything else on the face of the planet.

They had been together for eighteen months now, and seven months ago they had been married. Her wedding day was the happiest day of her life so far. Becoming the wife of the man who filled her heart to brimming, her family and friends by her side, knowing that from that day forward her life would be so much better than she had ever imagined.

She was a triplet, well kind of a triplet, she and her sisters all had different mothers, but the same father and they had all been born on the same day. She had been the last of the three of them to get married, although their weddings had all fallen within six months of one another. Now her sister Clara and her husband Jonathon had a gorgeous five-month-old baby boy. And just a couple of weeks ago her sister Naomi and her husband Sam had announced that Naomi was three months pregnant.


Were she and Nick ready for a baby?

Neither her childhood nor Nick’s had been ideal, but she had no doubt in her mind that they would love their child unconditionally and be the best parents they could be to it.

Absently, one of her hands moved to her stomach and she rubbed it.

A baby.

It was certainly something to consider. And not just because of her sisters. She loved her husband, he loved her, they were committed to one another, maybe it was time to add to their little family …

“You’re not listening to me,” Nick’s voice seeped into her mind. “You’re daydreaming again.”

Aggie blinked. Nick had turned from the stove and was now facing her, his large hands gripping her shoulders. Not long after they’d met, she’d broken her shoulder and the joint still ached regularly, particularly when someone touched it, but she usually welcomed the pain, it meant she had survived.

“Honey?” Nick’s hand left her shoulder and lifted to her face. Cupping her cheek, his fingers gently brushed her temple and his blue eyes crinkled in concern. “Are you okay?”

She smiled. Her life couldn’t be any better than it was in this moment. “I'm perfect,” she whispered, lifting her own hands to grab her husband’s face and pull it to hers. She pressed her lips to his, loving everything that passed between them when they kissed. Aggie managed to tear her lips away from Nick’s long enough to whisper, “I’m not hungry.”

Raising an eyebrow. “Dinner, dessert, candles, music, dancing, I thought you wanted the whole lot for our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple.”

“I just want you.” She kissed Nick again.

“I want you too.”

“Let’s go upstairs.” She took his hand and tugged him toward the stairs.

He scooped her off her feet in one fluid movement that had her heart fluttering in her chest. She loved how strong Nick was. She loved everything about him. He had made all her dreams come true, and she couldn’t wait to be carrying his baby inside her.

“Are you crying?” Nick’s voice rumbled in his chest as he paused halfway up the stairs.