“Luke Sleigh?” Jonathon asked once they got to the table.

Luke looked up. “Yes. Who’re you?”

“I'm Detective Dawson, and this is my partner, Detective Bennett. We need to speak with you.”

“About what?” Luke asked.

“Jonathon, what’s going on?” Summer asked. Panic was settling in her stomach.

“Summer, why don’t you head on home.” Jonathon shot her a sympathetic look.

“No. What’s going on? Why do you need to talk to Luke?” she demanded.

“We just need to ask him some questions,” Allina told her.

“Am I under arrest?” Luke asked.

“Not at this time,” Jonathon replied.

“Then you don’t have to go with them,” she told Luke.

“Can't you just ask me whatever you want to know here?” Luke asked.

“We need to do this down at the station, Mr. Sleigh,” Jonathon informed him firmly. “Please don’t make a scene. If you do then wewillbe arresting you.”

“Jonathon, what’s going on?” she begged. How could this be happening? And tonight of all nights. The first date she’d had in ten years and the police had shown up to arrest her date.

“He’s a person of interest in a case,” he answered vaguely.

“Person of interest? What exactly does that mean?” This had to be a dream, a nightmare, it couldn’t really be happening.

“We need you to come with us now, Mr. Sleigh.” Allina’s hand had moved slightly, edging closer to the weapon under her coat.

Luke stood. “It’s okay, Summer, I'm sure it’s just a misunderstanding. I’ll come with you, detectives. Let’s get this sorted out.”

“Are you right to get home, Summer, or do you want me to call someone to come and get you?” Jonathon asked her.

“I-I'm fine,” she stammered.

“I’ll call you,” Luke said as he walked away.

She nodded dumbly. Did he even have her number? She supposed it didn’t matter, he could get it from Aggie or Nick. Or maybe he wouldn’t get a chance. He could wind up arrested and in prison.

She sat, frozen in place as she watched Luke, Jonathon, and Allina walk away.

It sank in slowly.

The panic in her stomach was spreading out, taking over her body bit by bit.

This couldnotbe happening again.

It couldn’t.

It couldn’t.

And yet it seemed like it was.

* * * * *