It scared her to make changes. To do anything that might mess up the existence she had created for herself. Okay, her life wasn't perfect, but it could certainly be worse. A lot worse. So, she was lonely, but at least she had friends who cared about her enough to make time to have dinner with her every night this week because they knew that Valentine’s Day upset her.

She wanted to be safe, but maybe safe wasn't everything. After all, safety was only an illusion, she could never truly be safe. No one could. Living was about risks, and she had to decide if she was ready to take the biggest one of her life.

Summer pulled her car to a stop outside Aggie and Nick’s house and climbed out. It was cold, and she’d accidentally forgotten her coat at work, so she hurried up the path and knocked on the door. Her friend threw it open a moment later, and she stepped inside and into the warmth.

“Are the cops still down the street?” Aggie asked as she closed the door behind them.


“They were there when I left for work this morning.” Aggie led the way to the kitchen.

Although she didn’t really want to know, Summer found herself asking, “Do you know what happened?”

“Apparently, a woman and her baby son were kidnapped.”

Summer shivered, only this time it had nothing to do with the cold. “Kidnapped?”

“Looks like it. I've seen the woman a couple of times before, and I think Luke met her the other day …”

A stab of jealousy at the thought of Luke talking to other women caught her by surprise. She really didn’t know how he had managed to get himself stuck under her skin so quickly. No one else had ever managed that.

“… I think the woman who nannies for her son lives in the house,” Aggie was saying. “Nick got curious and went to see what was happening. The nanny was concerned when the woman and her son didn’t turn up on time. She tried calling the woman’s cell phone but couldn’t get an answer. She went outside to check in case the woman had had car trouble or something, and when she called, she could hear the woman’s phone ringing. She found it and the woman’s purse, along with the baby’s pacifier and blanket on the floor in her garage. It looks like someone grabbed her in there and kidnapped both her and her son.”

“That’s awful.” Summer gasped. Who would kidnap a tiny, helpless little baby? It really shouldn’t surprise her, both because of her own personal experiences and her job as a social worker. She knew there were a lot of bad people in the world. “Did Nick say they thought they knew who might have taken them?”

Aggie shook her head. “No. He knew one of the cops on the scene from when he was in the police department, but he said they have no leads right now.”

“Is Nick here?” She had questions she wanted to ask him.

“No, something came up at work, and Sam asked Nick to handle it because Naomi is still struggling with her nighttime morning sickness, and he didn’t want to leave her alone. It’s just you and me for dinner.”

She just managed to stop herself from letting out a disappointed exclamation. She hadn’t even realized how much she had been looking forward to seeing Luke until she heard he wasn't coming. It hadn’t occurred to her that he wouldn’t be here. She had seen him every day since they walked into each other, and she’d already become accustomed to it.

Oh well, she sighed to herself, maybe she’d see him tomorrow.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked. Maybe not seeing Luke today was a good thing, at least she wouldn’t go to bed and think about him until her mind was so confused and her body was too turned on to sleep.

“You could make the salad,” Aggie said.

“Sure thing.” She went to her friend’s fridge, collected an armful of ingredients, and carried them to the counter. “Thanks for you know, being you, and having dinner with me every night this week,” she said as she began to chop up tomatoes.

“No problem. I know Valentine’s Day is rough for you so I’m happy to help try to get your mind off it. Plus, I like hanging out with you.” Aggie grinned, her blue eyes twinkling merrily.

Aggie had been through a lot, and yet it never dampened her spirits, she was probably the warmest, kindest, most thoughtful, loving person Summer knew. She never let things beat her down. She always found a way to not only bounce back but to keep a hold of her positive attitude. Perhaps she needed to find a way to channel her inner Aggie.

“Summer, whatever it is, is it really that bad? So bad you can't tell me? So bad you can’t, or won't, let it go and move on?”

Not only was itthat badit was worse. Just ask her husband. Well, really, you couldn’t because …

Simultaneously Aggie’s phone rang, and the doorbell chimed.

“Can you grab the door?” Aggie asked as she picked up her phone.

“Sure.” She set down the knife, wiped her hands, then headed for the door. She threw it open and then just stood there staring with what she was sure was a pretty stupid expression on her face.

“Hey, Summer.” Luke’s smile beamed down at her.

“L-Luke,” she stammered. Why did she always stammer in front of him? It was so embarrassing.