Page 9 of Love to Hate You

Despite Thomas’ strained relationship with his kids, they were still his family. The only family he had after his wife Melinda died almost ten years ago. I don’t know a lot about her, but I have a feeling that she was the glue that had held them together. I have no idea what happened exactly, but I know that not long after her death, everything fell apart.

That’s what the rumor mill says, anyway. Whether it’s true or not, who knows?

From the little snippets I’ve heard here and there, I don’t even think the kids get along with each other. If the siblings are anything like their oldest, pain in the butt brother Nash, I can see why no one speaks to anyone else. He’s enough to drive a saint crazy.

As I head into the bathroom to take a quick shower, a part of me wonders how he’s doing even though I don’t really care. I’m just a little curious. I know he started his own company, but I don’t know too much about it. Thomas mentioned it once when he made a snarky comment about Nash leaving the mansion and choosing instead to live in the guesthouse. I made the connection that his new venture was on a much smaller scale than the behemoth that is TB Tech.

I suppose there’s nothing wrong with wanting to downsize, but that certainly isn’t for me. The bigger, the better. I want it all. The pie in the sky. Some people settle for less and they’re perfectly fine with that decision.Me? Not so much.

I was always under the impression that Nash wanted big things, too, but his ego got the best of him. He could’ve been running TB Tech right alongside his father, but he couldn’t handle it. To be honest, I’m glad because that opened the door for me. His childish behavior presented me with a golden opportunity, and I stepped right into the role of Thomas’ right hand man.

Or, in this case, right hand woman.

A part of me feels like I might be heading down the same path as Thomas if I’m not careful. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to ease up. I realize that I work far too hard, but it’s just who I am and what I love to do. Success means everything to me. Besides, I tell myself, I exercise at least three times a week and watch what I eat.

The stress of my job is extremely high, though. I give it my all– blood, sweat and tears. It’s why I have no close friends. I don’t make the time to develop relationships and I know that sounds sad but I’d rather be at the office, coming up with a genius presentation for a potential client than sitting at the bar, gossiping about nonsense.

I want to affect the world, not talk about the latest TikTok video that went viral.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I don’t wake up sometimes at night and feel lonely. But who doesn’t? I lost my parents years ago and they were the only ones I ever had a real relationship with. After they died in a car accident, I was sad and a little lost for a while. I ended up throwing myself into my career and I haven’t looked back since.

I suppose it’s just as well. I’m terrible at relationships and sabotage them before they ever really begin. I despise the dating game; I’d rather kill myself than attempt internet match sites and I don’t believe in love at first sight or any of that lovey-dovey nonsense.

Relationships are hard and take time, commitment and lots of work. I channel all of that into my career instead.Screw men.I have a vibrator and it gets the job done quicker and better than any man I’ve ever gone to bed with.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m lacking an X chromosome or something. I don’t imagine a future with a big wedding, a husband and babies. Instead, I see myself sitting in the corner office at TB Tech and running the weekly boardroom meeting. I’m not changing diapers, I’m changing lives.

I’ve always had big plans and knew that I was destined to be a power player in the business world. And now at 34, I am exactly where I want to be. At the top of the corporate ladder working for a company that I truly love. I’m devoted to TB Tech, and I know Thomas was aware of it, too.

Turning off the water, I grab a towel and step out of the steamy shower. I get ready as quickly as I can and less than an hour later, my hair and makeup are done and I’m slipping on a pair of high heels. As usual, I’m wearing a suit and I chose my black pin-striped pantsuit. Today is going to be an important day and I want to look the part of a cool, calm professional when I face the board and accept the position as Interim President.

Today is my day to take over and make sure Thomas Beckett’s company is taken care of in every possible way, maintaining his legacy and hard work.

I’ve never been more ready because when it comes to challenges, I live for them.



I’ve never been more ready to throttle someone, I think. I get to the offices of Goldman, Hackett and Taber early, well before any of my useless siblings show up, and plan to sit down with my father’s attorney and see if I can get anything out of him. But Ethan Goldman refuses to talk to me before anyone else arrives.

Asshole.With a sigh, I run a hand through my hair and realize I should probably get a trim soon. I normally keep it cropped short, but it’s grown out some and reaches the edge of my collar.

Ignoring the beverage station set up in the corner, I sit down in a leather chair and wait for my estranged siblings to arrive.This should be interesting.I haven’t seen or talked to any of them in years. At least not until the other day when I had to call each of them and inform them that our father died of a heart attack.

I had called Tanner first since he and I didn’t have an actual falling out. Not exactly, anyway. He’s two years younger than me and a little too sensitive, if you ask me. He left the city a couple of years ago in a cloud of curses and hate directed at our dad. Basically, he fell in love with a woman that didn’t meet Thomas Beckett’s standards. It was a disaster of epic proportions.

I don’t know all of the dirty details, but Tanner told our father to go fuck himself and he lost the girl. Devastated, he left town and didn’t look back. I have no idea what he’s been doing.

When I called him, Tanner sounded surprised, but almost happy to hear from me. Until the bad news, of course.

“I can’t believe he’s gone.”

I look up and there he is, my brother Tanner standing there in the flesh. Getting up, I walk over and I’m not sure if I should shake his hand or what. When I reach out, Tanner grasps my hand then pulls me into a half-hug and slaps my back. I return the gesture and it feels good.

Damn, I missed him.

“How are you?” I ask.