“I need to speak to you and Peyton. Is he home?”
“Yeah, he’s upstairs. Why don’t you go find him?”
I stepped into the living room and shook my head. “You better go get him.”
Karen covered her mouth. She knew something serious was about to happen.
“Mark? Is everything all right?” Peyton asked. Karen stood behind him with eyes wide.
“You might want to sit down for this. You too, Karen”
They sat side by side on the couch.
“I’m not exactly sure how to tell you this,” I started. This was hard. I kept having to take deep breaths. I had to confess so many different things, I didn’t know which one to mention first. What was the order of importance here?
“I ran into Brooke in Chicago yesterday,” I let out a sardonic chuckle. ‘Run into’ was hardly the correct term.
“Is she alright?” Karen sat up, moving to the edge of the couch.
“She is fine. She is recovering very well according to her doctors.”
Both Peyton and Karen went pale. Karen gripped Peyton’s arm and he covered her hand with his own. “She had twins yesterday.” I blurted out.
Karen sat back, her hand flying to her chest. “What?”
Peyton flinched and shook his head.
“I encountered her while I was checking into the hotel. She was in labor. I delivered the babies. Girls. Everyone is healthy.”
Peyton let out a breath of relief.
Karen had tears in her eyes. “No wonder she didn’t want to come home for Thanksgiving. Why did she keep this from me? I’m so glad you were there to help her.”
“I’m going to need you to remember that thought for a moment longer.”
“She didn’t tell us she was expecting. Was the father there?” I could hear the anger gathering in Peyton’s voice.
I took a step back. “The father was there. Only, I didn’t realize it at the time.”
Karen was still shaken, but she didn’t realize what I had said. Neither of them had.
“Peyton, Karen.” I paused long enough to swallow. “Brooke and I were seeing each other last spring. The babies are mine.”
“I know I didn’t hear that properly,” Peyton growled. “You did not just say you touched my little girl.”
“Your little girl is a grown woman. We didn’t tell you because she was concerned you would take it the wrong way. Look, I’m going to marry her.”
Peyton surged to his feet.
“This is exactly why we didn’t tell you, Peyton. You scare your daughter.”
“She has nothing to worry about from me. It’s you who should be concerned.”
I didn’t see the hit coming. I should have been prepared. One second, I was looking at the rage across Peyton’s face, the next I was seeing stars.
I clamped my hand over my eye.
“Peyton, stop. He’s, our friend.”