I shook his hand again. “Thanks for telling a little about Brooke. I’m glad they are doing well. I’m always happy when I can help out.”
Antoine wasn’t gone for more than a few moments when Dr. Whitmore, I could not remember her first name, and another obstetrician approached me.
“You are all the gossip this morning,” she said. “Brock, this is Mark Bryant. He delivered the young lady yesterday with twins.”
“I heard all about that. What a nightmare. The last thing you expect when you come to one of these is to actually deliver, am I right?” Brock said.
She laughed and rested her hand on his arm. I got a distinct feeling they were a case of what happens at the medical conference stays at the medical conference.
“I heard they had to spend all night cleaning the carpets and finishing the setup because she went into labor in the ballroom.”
“Yeah. I was checking in when it all happened. We made do with what we had. The twins were a bit of a surprise.”
“How are mother and babies doing?” Dr. Whitmore asked.
“I just spoke with one of her managers. He said they received news that all is well.”
“That’s so good to hear. Twins can be so complicated. We’ll see you around.”
As I watched the two of them leave, I realized I didn’t want to be seen. I needed to see how Brooke was doing for myself. I crossed the lobby and recognized the desk clerk was the same one from the day before.
“You don’t happen to know what hospital they took Brooke to yesterday?”
“I don’t but hold on just a minute and I can find out.”
I waited while she made a quick phone call. She looked up at me as she hung up.
“I’ve been told she is doing well and is at St. Mary’s.”
“Thanks.” I was out the door and hailing a cab before I could change my mind.
Istared at my babies. Two of them. Perfect and precious. This breastfeeding thing was tricky. I didn’t know if I was doing it right.
Angela sat with me. “Are you seriously thinking of Strawberry?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I mean I thought one name was hard enough to come up with, but two. Names are so important; they are going to help define who they are. Will they be strong and admired, or will they be targeted and bullied?”
“Oh, no one is going to bully our babies. Auntie Angela will make sure of that.”
I laughed. I loved her protective fierceness.
“How soon before you have to decide on the names?”
Baby A fell off my nipple, completely asleep.
“Help,” I said.
Angela stood and took the sleeping baby from me. Baby B was also asleep. I readjusted my gown while holding on to my sleeping baby.
“I’m supposed to fill out birth certificate information in a day or two. I keep trying different names out, to see what fits.” I hefted up the baby in my arms. I’ve been calling her Summer, pretty much since she was born. It fits.”
“Wait, is that baby one or two?”
I gazed down at my little Summer. “She was born second.”