Page 11 of Doctor Daddy

I stepped back and pulled off my examination gloves. I held out my hand to help her sit up.

She struggled upright. She ran her hands over her face.

“Nothing consistent. I’ve been taking lots of walks and drinking too much cold water.”

She was tired and I shouldn’t have been amused by her. This was her third child with me. I didn’t anticipate anything terribly different than the previous two. Her babies took their time making their way into the world.

“That baby will be born when it’s ready. You know the drill.”

“Oh, yeah. The kids are already at my in-laws, and my bag is all packed.”

“I’ll be seeing you soon,” I said as I left her to finish getting dressed.

I had no other patients that I was expecting to have to deliver this week. January was always slow when it came to babies.

The next morning, I didn’t expect to see Brooke. I had assumed that she was doing some kind of multi-position backup training and that I wouldn’t see her again. Our eyes met as I walked in, and her cheeks flushed. I gave her a nod and a wink and continued to the elevators.

She wasn’t alone at her post until the next week. I had things that needed to be said and I didn’t want anyone else to overhear.

“Miss DeBoise,” I said as I approached her desk.

“Doctor Mark.”

I wasn’t sure if it was her smile or the way she said my name that went straight to my cock.

“How are you liking your new position?”

“There are so many other positions I like to be in which would be so much better.” She gave me the most innocent smile, in complete contradiction to the meaning behind those words.

I raked my gaze over her. Even in formless scrubs, she was a knockout. I still had her red lace panties in the drawer next to my bed. What was she wearing under her uniform today?

“I didn’t realize your practice was in this building,” she admitted.

“No? But you know I work with your father.”

“Knowing something in theory and knowing the explicit details are very different things. Kind of like knowing I’m the daughter of your friends, but also knowing I’m a full-grown woman.”

She knew exactly what she was doing.

“You most definitely are fully grown,” I agreed.

“You should know.”

“Oh, I know all right. So can I expect to see you here every morning?”

She nodded. “Seven to one, weekdays only.”

“I haven’t seen you the past few days when I head out for lunch.”

She shrugged. “I’ve been training. Last week was a bit all over the place.”

My phone rang. “Excuse me.” I stepped away from her desk to take the call.

“Bryant here.”

I listened as the operator on the other end of the line gave me the information.

“Thank you.” I stepped back to Brooke’s desk. “I’ll see you around. I have a baby to deliver.”