As she reached forward for my bag. I turned and ran after the young man as he crashed through double doors into a ballroom. Everything was in the middle of being set up for our conference meeting with chairs lined up facing a stage with a podium and a large screen in the background. Carts of stacked chairs were being ignored as a few people surrounded a heavily pregnant woman groaning and panting in one of the chairs.
She had dark hair, but I didn’t see her face until I knelt down in front of her.
“My name is Dr. Mark Bry–.”
Brooke’s eyes flashed up at me. “Oh God, Doctor Mark. Why are you here?” she panted between words.
“What the hell’s going on? Brooke?” I asked.
She groaned and folded over herself as a contraction hit. “What does it look like? I’m having a baby!”
“Okay,” I said as calmly as I could manage. I knew I was the last person she expected to see. “I need you to not push. Can you do that Brooke? Don’t push.”
“Don’t tell me what to do, Mark,” she snapped at me.
Yeah, this was going to be easy. “I’m here to help deliver your baby and you’re early. I’m going to tell you what to do.”
“What do you know? I’m not early. Ah.”
I put my hand on her belly. It was hard as her muscles bared down with another contraction.
“You shouldn’t be this far along.” The last time I saw her, she couldn’t have been more than three months along.
“I’m going to have to take a look. Are you willing to let me do that? Can somebody get us some blankets here?” I asked.
“And maybe some pillows. We need to get her comfortable,” I shouted commands at everyone.
“Brooke, we need to get you off this chair. I want to get you laying on the floor because I don’t want you falling.”
She grunted and tried to get to her feet.
Somebody came running in with an armful of blankets. “I’ve got some blankets over here.”
I directed them to spread the blankets out on the floor in front of her. I helped ease her down to the ground.
“I gotcha. Let’s roll you onto your back.” I guided her back and propped some pillows behind her. “There you go. Knees up.” I turned my attention to the person with the blankets. “Could I have another blanket?” They handed me a blanket and I covered her from the waist down.
I shrugged out of my jacket and rolled up my sleeves.
“I need some hand sanitizer!” I yelled. I hadn’t had a chance to wash my hands since the young man crashed into the counter. Medical gloves would have been ideal, but clean hands were the best I would be able to manage at the moment. I didn’t think Brooke had time for me to get up and find a restroom to get washed up in.
“Brooke, we have to take your pants off.”
“Fine, it’s not like it’s not anything you’ve seen before.”
Despite her obvious animosity, I had to chuckle. The last time I had done this she had been as eager to get out of her clothes as I had been to get her out of them. Things had definitely changed.
I did a quick exam. She was dilated and she was crowning. “We’ve got full dilation and you’ve got a head crowning. So, I’ll tell you when it’s time to push.”
I waved over the same young man who had brought me to the ballroom. “What’s your name?” I asked.
“Jason,” he told me.
“Okay Jason, you’re going to be Brooke’s labor assistant. I need you to hold her leg up here. When I tell Brooke to push, you are going to keep her leg braced so she can push against it. I need you to remind her to breathe. Got it?”
He looked completely terrified, pale, and panicked with beads of sweat on his upper lip, but he nodded.