Page 13 of Doctor Daddy

If he was already married, I wouldn’t be in this situation, having banged him, and having a horrible unrequited crush on him. If he was married, I would assume the banging part on that evening would not have happened. Well, at least not with him.

Who was I kidding? I wouldn’t have jumped anyone else’s bones that night.

“Don’t know and am trying hard to not care. The man has confused me enough with his flirt and don’t flirt attitude.”

“Are you sitting there telling me you are honestly not going to go after this man? I thought you said he was fine?”

“He is. But I shouldn’t have to go chasing after some guy who is not interested. He can man up and make a move if he wants to get with me.”

“Since when have you gone all old-fashioned and expected the man to make the first move?”

“Since I let him drag me into a janitor supply closet and I took off my panties. I’m pretty sure that counts as it’s his turn to make another move.”

“So what you’re telling me is you are willing to let that fine ass man go?”

“Who said his ass was fine?” I mean, it was. But if Mark had changed his mind, I wasn’t going to make myself miserable about it.

Angela took a big bite of her lunch. She made various expressions with her eyes. I waited until she was ready to talk.

“I’m thinking about going to graduate school,” she announced.

“Oh yeah? What are you going to study?”

“I’ve been thinking about getting an MBA. There just doesn’t seem to be many opportunities out there with just a bachelor’s degree.”

“Hey, don’t tell me that. I finally got mine.”

She shrugged. “Maybe you have better luck than me.”

I laughed. “Have you met me? So where are you applying? Emory?”

She grimaced. That wasn’t a good sign.

“I was thinking of getting out of Atlanta.”

“No, you can’t leave me,” I whined.

“Leave you? You’re the one who went to Scotland for a year, leaving me here all by myself.”

“Yeah, but you knew I was coming back. If you leave to get your MBA, you’ll probably get a job wherever you are, and you’ll be there, and I’ll be here.”

“You’ll have Doctor Hottie.”

I tilted my head back and let out a bitter laugh. “I don’t have Doctor Hottie, remember, he’s ignoring me.”

“All the more reason for you to go after him.”

“Yeah, right. Not gonna happen. I think it’s time for me to chalk him up to being a mistake. One I won’t regret.”

“Wait, won’t regret? Aren’t you supposed to regret mistakes?”

I closed my eyes and shook my head. “Mistake, yes. Regret, hell no. “

Angela sat up tall on her stool and crossed her arms. She looked at me like I was being a dumb ass.

“Then come with me.”

“What? Me in an MBA program? I’m not the best when it comes to school.”