Page 69 of Queen Rose


If that were my dad, he’d have said something. That can mean only one thing: Conner has arrived for the party. Fuck. Fuck. Things are about to get wild around here.

But fuck him. I hope Conner enjoyed watching me fuck my boyfriend while I was wearing the bra and panty set he’d left for me. That repulsive predator had demanded in the note he left with it that I wear it for him tonight as my gift to him.

Dueling emotions hit me all at once. On the one hand, I’m actually glad he saw us with his own two eyes. It’s done. He knows I didn’t save myself for him as was his plan. But on the other hand, it’s also scary as hell. Fear clogs my throat. Because what will Conner do now?

Leave the party? No.

Give up? Ha, not a chance.

Get me alone and punish me? That’s a distinct possibility.

Goose bumps raise on my flesh as the memory of Conner spanking me slams into me. I tremble.

Nate sits up, wrapping his arms around me and pressing soft kisses to the side of my neck. “I’m sorry, baby,” he murmurs as he holds me tightly.

I shake my head. “I’m not. I can’t be. I won’t be. He saw what he needed to see.”

He tilts his head to the side, studying me with narrowed eyes. “What he needed to see…?” he repeats. “Are you okay?”

I wonder if he can see all the thoughts running through my head because I definitely shouldn’t have said that. “Nate, I don’t regret us. So, I won’t be sorry about anything I choose to do with you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or says. I know what I feel.” I try to take a few calming breaths, my hand instinctively reaching for the star at my neck. Without darkness there are no stars. I begin to shake. I have so much darkness within me those stars should be shining brightly. And you know what? They are. Nate’s feelings for me shine with a brightness and warmth I’ve never known. I see it glowing in the stare of his blue eyes. I feel it in the strength of his arms, secure around me. He’s holding me like he’ll never let me go. Like he’ll protect me from anything.

I hope he’s up to the task, because shit is on the verge of getting ugly.

His hands run up and down my back, soothing me. Kissing my cheek, he whispers, “Yeah, okay. We’ll face them together.”

My mother’s sharp voice slices through the air from somewhere down the hall. Her heels click on the floor, approaching rapidly. “Aria. Are you dressed yet? I need you down here soon.”

“Shit,” I huff, climbing off Nate’s lap. “Come on.” We gather our clothes and duck inside the en suite and flip the lock. It’s not five seconds later that we hear her footsteps in my room.

“Aria. Really,” my mother huffs from just outside the bathroom. “Aren’t you ready?”

I bite my lip, staring up at Nate. I cover my mouth, trying not to let the hysterical burst of laughter out. I lean close to the door and raise my voice so she can hear me. “Um, I’m just finishing up. Can you give me ten minutes?”

“Fine. Hurry.”

Her exasperation is clear from here, but then her footsteps retreat and the bedroom door closes with a soft thud. After a second, I’m overcome with a fit of the giggles. “Shit. Sorry.”

Nate grins, tugging me into his arms. “Wow, what are we, king and queen of interruptions today?”

“Something like that.”

“At least your mom didn’t catch us, too. Your dad watching was kinda awkward.” He scrubs his hand over his hair.

“Yeah.” It was more than awkward; it was downright dangerous. But message fucking sent. Conner can’t have me. I’ve already been taken.

And now we wait to see what the repercussions are.

Once we’re fully dressed, and I’ve primped as much as I have time for—knowing Mom will be pissed if I were to show up without makeup on and hair done—we head downstairs. Fortunately, no one who matters is around to witness Nate coming down the stairs with me.

I find Mom in our enormous living area at the back of the house, where she’s instructing some waiters on how exactly she’d like them to bring out the food and when. Because everything’s gotta be just so in Elle Warrington’s world.

When she’s finally done, she turns around to acknowledge us. The first thing I notice is that she’s definitely either taken something or has already started drinking—probably both. Her pupils are dilated, giving her a slightly wild appearance. Otherwise, she’s her picture-perfect self. If she’s started popping pills already, though? Well, I hope she can hold it together through the evening.

Her gaze first slides up and down my body, looking this way and that at my dress, then she lifts her hand to touch my hair, playing with some of the soft curls at my shoulder. “This looks nice.” She nods, then squints a bit at my face. “Your cheeks are really flushed.” She reaches out to touch my cheek when Nate clears his throat. Her attention immediately shifts to him. “And who is this?” She cocks her head to the side, and does a full inspection of him as well, from his slightly scuffed dress shoes to his well-worn button-down, and finally up to his face. She takes an abnormally long time studying his features, and when she’s finally done, she lifts a brow at me.

“This is Nate.” I hold onto his arm, resting my head against his shoulder. “He’s my boyfriend.”