Page 62 of Queen Rose

Not thirty seconds later, Brandon bounds in, a big grin on his face. “Hey, what are you doing here in the morning time?”

I haven’t smiled since shit went down, but I can't help it. A smile stretches across my face at the way Brandon tilts his head to the side in confusion and taps his tiny finger to his lip. “Is it okay that I’m here? I told Nate that you deserved pancakes for being so good for Melinda this weekend.”

“She told you?”

“Yep, she sure did.”

“I like Melinda. She makes me hot dogs. I also like Franny. She knows about my hot dogs, too.” He gives me one of those toothy five-year-old grins.

I stifle a laugh, which is also something I haven’t done in a while.

Becca all but skips into the room. “Sorry, I had to brush my teeth first. Nate said.”

Nate wanders in right behind her and taps Brandon on the shoulder, jerking his thumb in the direction of the bathroom. “Don’t share your stinky breath with Aria.”

He slaps his hands over his mouth. “Oops.” He giggles and takes off running to the bathroom. “Hi, Mama!”

I look up from plating a stack of piping-hot pancakes to see Erin slowly come into the room in her bathrobe. She immediately walks right over me, pulling me into a hug. She whispers near my ear, “I’m so, so sorry. I know it’s probably hard to talk about it, but I’m here.”

My own parents haven’t done more than text me. They haven’t asked to see me, haven’t suggested I come home. Haven’t done anything to make sure their daughter is okay in the aftermath of finding her aunt dead in her bed. There’s something seriously wrong with them. But I can’t focus on their crap right now. “Thank you, Erin.” I blink back the tears that threaten. “That means the world to me.”

Easing back, Erin sighs, and I can only imagine what must be running through her head. Fortunately, Becca is here to distract both of us, and she’s halfway to drooling on the pancakes, waiting for permission to dig in. Erin puts a motherly hand on Becca’s head, sliding it down over her long, blonde hair. “You hungry, Becca?”

She nods enthusiastically. “I can’t wait to try Aria’s pancakes. They look fluffy and yummy.”

Nate comes back in with Brandon, his eyes meeting mine, the silent question in them that’s been there since Christina’s death. You okay?

I nod, fighting not to let the tears go as we sit down to eat at their kitchen table.

Like a normal family.

Fuck, how I wish this were my family.