Page 59 of Queen Rose

Before I can take off, Micah grips my shoulder. “Hey. Are you okay to drive?”

My head jerks, as I try to clear my brain of the barrage of thoughts running through it so I can answer. I blink. “Yeah. I’ll be okay.”

His eyes narrow, but he gives me a quick nod, then rushes over to Beau’s car, ducking his head down to talk to his friend. Griffin’s right there, too. It’s like they’re having a fuckin’ board meeting in the middle of an emergency.

No matter, I’m going. I haul myself into the Jeep and buckle up. Out of nowhere, the passenger door flies open and Griffin climbs in. “Riding with you,” he grunts when he sees my surprise.

My jaw clenches as I stare at my uninvited passenger. “I told Micah I’m fine.”

“Your girl is upset. Her aunt is dead. The least I can do is come with you, so you aren’t alone. I rode here with my brother and Micah.”

“I don’t need a goddamn babysitter.”

He shakes his head. “If it makes you feel any better, Micah’s riding with Xander. Beau’s suggestion, much to Xander’s dismay. You guys aren’t so fucking different, you know?” He rubs his hands over his face before he peers at me. “Now, let’s get the fuck over there and see what’s going on.”

I follow the Escalade and the bright fucking Verde Mantis-green Lamborghini Urus all the way to Aria’s and pull into the driveway behind them.

We file out and are immediately stopped by a uniformed police officer. “Can I help you, boys?”

Xander points at the house, icy-cool composure coating his features. “I’m guessing we can’t go in, huh?”

The officer calmly shakes his head. “Nope. Crime scene.”

I clear my throat, getting the officer’s attention. “Are Will and Elle Warrington home?”

“No. They’ve been notified of the situation.”

I nod grimly. “That’s my girlfriend in there. I need to know she’s okay.”

He gives a sharp jerk of his head. “I understand you’re probably anxious to get to her. They’re asking some questions of both of them—she’s with the housekeeper, if that helps.” He checks the notepad he has in his hand. “Franny Williams.”

I exhale a ragged breath. “Okay.” I look at the other guys. “I guess we'll wait here.”

A minute later, the front door opens, and both Aria and Franny exit. They’re discussing something, but when Aria looks up and our eyes connect, her face crumples. Franny pats her on the arm and gestures that she should go with me. I slowly begin to walk to her, but she runs, throwing herself at me. I hold her tightly against my body. She’s losing it, shaking so violently I don’t know what to do for her or how to get it to stop.

“Why are you with them? How?” Her chest jerks and heaves as she struggles to get herself under control.

“I ran into the guys. We were talking out at the park.”

It seems like a lifetime that she clings to me. When she finally pats my shoulder signaling that she’s okay, I set her on her feet, but continue to hold her hands.

She blinks at me, then glances back at the house. She visibly shudders. “Are we o-okay? Because she’s dead, and I can’t handle anything else right now. And I n-need you.” She wets her lips, staring up into my eyes.

I can’t imagine what she’s been through, but it makes my heart ache to think she’s worried that I won’t be there for her. “We’re gonna be fine.” I glance over at the guys, who are patiently waiting. I focus on Beau. “Do you think we could crash with you guys tonight?”

“Yeah, man. Whatever you guys need for as long as you need it.”

Griffin nods. “I already texted Max. He was with Daphne and Scarlett, and they headed straight for our house when they heard there was trouble. Lyla was just hanging out at home watching movies, but she’s aware, too.”

While he’s talking, Aria lets go of my hands and walks straight over to Xander. As I watch, he draws her into a hug, one arm around her back, the other gently cradling her head against his chest. He bends to whisper in her ear. Whatever he says to her, she relaxes and nods in response. I have no clue what the exchange was between them, but for the first time, I find I’m not at all jealous. I’m simply glad for her that the support system she thinks she shouldn’t have or need is still very much in place.

It’s a short ride from Aria’s to the Danbrook house, so we’re there within minutes. The entire place is ablaze with light, much like the last time we showed up in the middle of the night. This time, though, they don’t wait in the kitchen. The three girls and Max all spill out of the house, wide-eyed and pale-faced, when we pull up.

I help Aria out of the Jeep. “You ready for this?”

“No. But everyone will be in a panic until I explain what I know. I’m surprised none of you guys asked me any questions.”

“You don’t have to say jack. And we can tell you’re upset and don’t want to add to it.”