“What’s your favorite position?”
Lyla shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut waiting for his response.
He jerks his thumb in Lyla’s direction. “Well, she’s bendy. And she does this thing with her legs behind her head—”
Daphne shrieks with laughter and claps her hands over her ears.
Beau nudges her with his foot. “Guess what, Daph? I haven’t forgotten that you haven’t had a turn yet.”
Daphne cringes. “Dammit.”
Beau cackles. “That’s what I thought. And because I know you won’t do a dare, tell the truth. I wanna know if Micah hums the ‘Imperial March’ while you’re having sex.”
Daphne giggles, blushing as she side-eyes Micah. When she finally gets control of herself, she shakes her head. “No. But I kinda like that idea.” In response, Micah gets a devilish look on his face and begins to hum the tune as he comes closer and closer to her. He lays one on her, much to everyone’s amusement, and even tries to keep humming as they kiss.
He’s a pretty funny dude, even if he is a little quiet and brooding.
“Okay, Xander. Your turn. Truth or dare?” Daphne bites her lip as she waits.
He groans, glancing at Scarlett. “I dunno. Dare, I guess.”
Daphne gets this perfectly wicked look on her formerly innocent face—yep, the alcohol is definitely affecting her—before she sweetly says, “Xander, I dare you to kiss Micah.” She snorts a little, then finishes, “With tongue.”
Oh, shit. And this is where the game goes off the rails.
“What the fuck, Daph?” Micah growls, aiming an incredulous stare at her. “How did I get involved in this?”
Daph gives a little shrug before she glances at Scarlett, and they both burst out laughing.
Xander turns and squints his eyes at Scarlett. “Did you have something to do with this?”
“I swear I didn’t.” She raises both hands, still trying to contain her giggles. “But I wholeheartedly approve.”
All at once, Xander shoots out of his seat, hands on his hips. “You know I don’t flake on fucking dares. On your feet and pucker up.”
On the other side of the hot tub, Griffin and Max are rolling with laughter, as are Lyla and Beau. Griffin shouts at them, “Do you want us to show you how it’s done?”
Micah stands up. “Fuck off, Griff.”
At my side, Aria just shakes her head. “Oh, man. This is too much.”
I lean close. “Does this shit always happen? If so, I have to keep tabs on Daphne. She’s a wild card.”
“There’s usually something off-the-wall that happens when we get together. This is a particularly good one, though.” Her eyes get big as Micah and Xander meet in the middle of the hot tub.
I watch in amazement as Xander and Micah each grip each other by the nape, then go for it. Open mouths, tongues, and everything. I’m having trouble deciding which is more fun, watching them or everyone else’s reaction. And the best part is, they keep going, like it’s a battle of wills to see who will stop first. It’s fucking hysterical.
When they finally come up for air, they’re both breathing hard and glaring at each other. Xander reaches into his mouth and pulls out a piece of gum. “Dammit, Micah. You could have lost the gum first.”
Micah shrugs, holding up his hands. “Do I win something for participating in that or what?”
Daphne snickers. “You want a participation trophy?”
“I think I deserve something, yeah.”
She reaches for his elbow, tugging him back down next to her before whispering in his ear.