Lyla peers up at me. I feel like I’m being studied. “You okay, Nate?” Just as she asks, Xander and the crew from his car arrive, making a bunch of noise as they enter the mudroom.
I wet my lips. “I just don’t know everyone very well yet, that’s all.”
She nods, then leans closer to us. “They’re all a big bunch of goofballs, for the most part. Try to hang in there.” She winks at Aria and pokes her shoulder. “Do it for this one. I think she likes you or something.”
Aria looks up, wrinkling her nose at me. “Yeah. Maybe.”
And then all chaos breaks out. Micah marches in from the mudroom with Daphne over his shoulder, smacking her ass to the beat of what he’s humming—"The Imperial March” from Star Wars. It’s fucking hilarious.
“Put me down, Micah! You’re going to knock me into something.”
The funny thing is, it seems like this is a common occurrence because no one else is the least bit affected by it. A laugh bursts from me, and I quickly cover my mouth as Daphne awkwardly looks up from her upside-down position, giving me a faux-glare. “Nate, don’t you dare encourage him.”
Micah snorts and grips Daphne by the waist, setting her on her feet with a wink before he leans down and delivers a loud, smacking kiss to her lips. “Sorry. Had to start the trip off right.”
Scarlett and Xander come in last, toting a bunch of bags. They drop them in the doorway with all the others. The pretty redhead puts her hands on her hips and does a quick survey of the room. “Looks like we’re all here. Are we claiming bedrooms now?”
“Go for it.”
Aria laughs as Scarlett’s eyes flick around the room, assessing her opponents, then races away like a damn gazelle.
Lyla takes off at light speed in a different direction, and Daphne just shrugs. “I can’t compete with those two.”
Micah gives us a silent nod—his version of hello, if I understand him correctly—and grabs their bags, hooking his arm around Daphne’s neck. “I don’t care where we stay, so long as I’m with you. Let’s see where we can crash.” She grins up at him, no words needed. I laugh inwardly. That quiet pair might be perfect for each other. They walk toward the front of the house.
“What he said.” Griffin nods, putting an arm around Max’s back and steering him out of the kitchen. He glances over his shoulder. “You said there are rooms downstairs?”
Aria nods. “Yeah, just follow Daph and Micah. They’re headed in that direction.”
Beau looks at Xander, and holds out his fist. “Let’s go find our women.”
“Let’s hope they aren’t fighting for the same room.” Xander chuckles, bumping his fist to Beau’s.
After grabbing their luggage, Beau takes off in the direction we last saw Lyla run off in. Xander gathers his and Scarlett’s things a little more slowly, stopping in front of us. “You okay?” he rasps, his dark eyes first focusing on Aria before they move to me.
“I’m good, Xan.”
Xander stares at the two of us for another few seconds before he gives her a cautious smile. “Okay. Just making sure.”
The overall tone of his voice, and the way he’s carrying his body says to me that he’s not sure at all that she’s fine. And I have no idea what to make of that, except maybe he’s got a better idea of what some of her deep-seated issues are. I’m the one she’s with, so it’s kinda frustrating that I’m not yet the one who knows her best. Who knows what he’s thinking about. They party where he found Aria with me as she was mid-panic attack? Or the fact that she ran to him about a supposed bad dream? He probably assumes that was about me, too.
I bristle at his words and demeanor. I don’t know whether I have the right to, but the idea that he thinks I’m somehow causing Aria any kind of upset gnaws at me. But whatever is going on in her head, I don’t think I’m the problem. Not really. She told me all about how she told Farrah off at school in front of everyone. She told them it wasn’t anyone’s business who she’s with. Fuck. I just don’t know. Frustrated, I grit out, “She and I are fine.”
Aria’s fingers dig into my waist again. “It’s okay, Nate, he’s always overly protective,” she murmurs against my chest. Then she turns her head. “Don’t make this weird, Xander. You were the one who said everyone is good, so long as I’m good. And I’m telling you right now, I’m okay.”
His lips practically disappear with as hard as he’s pinching them together. He gives a tight nod as he rubs his hand along his jaw, before grabbing at the back of his neck. “Yeah. Okay.” He huffs out a breath, eyeing me. “Sorry.”
Once he takes his leave to find Scarlett, Aria hugs me hard. And it’s odd because I get the idea that showing affection like this is not something that she does very often. Especially not where her friends could see it. Or maybe a better choice of words would be that she doesn’t allow it. I let that thought roll around in my mind as I hold her close. Maybe I should try talking to Xander again. If we drop the irritability and are straight with each other, we might be able to figure shit out.
“Are you okay if I go unpack?” Aria sighs, looking up at me.
I press my lips to hers and run my hands up and down her back. “Yeah. I’m going to take a minute out on the porch. Check in with my mom.”
She lifts her hand to my cheek, skimming her thumb over my skin as she draws in a deep breath. Our eyes connect. “You should definitely do that. Good call.”
I ease back from her, patting her thighs. “I’ll be back in a bit, then.” I help her hop down from the counter.
“Okay.” She starts to walk away from me, but stops, looking over her shoulder. “Nate?”