Inside, I find I’m right. Aria takes me through the main part of the house, and all I can do is gawk behind her and hope she doesn’t turn around to see my mouth hanging open. It’s fucking embarrassing.
Upon entering our big bedroom, I note it was clearly decorated with comfort in mind. The walls are a soft gray-blue and a king-size bed dominates the room. It’s made up with a luxurious-looking comforter, tons of pillows, and a plush blanket on top. There’s a fantastic view of the lake as well; the floor-to-ceiling windows I’d admired as we passed through the living room are also present in this room.
“You can set the bags there.” Aria points to a wooden bench on the wall opposite the bed.
I nod and cross the room to set them down before I turn around, eyeing what I’m pretty sure must be expensive artwork on the walls—like real, original art, not just prints.
She takes a deep breath. “Let me give you the tour.” Her hand is a little sweaty when she grabs mine and laces our fingers together. It’s a relief to know that I’m not the only one who’s slightly nervous.
We make a circuit of the lake house, and it’s all I can do to take in everything. For several minutes, I walk around slack-jawed as Aria points out different features. The floors are a gorgeous dark hardwood, all the trim and cabinetry a brilliant white. There’s more of the same stone I’d noticed outside on the fireplace. The entire place is essentially one huge room consisting of the kitchen, dining room, and living room, and then all the bedrooms shoot off in different directions.
I can’t get enough of looking out the huge picture windows that cover the back of the house, which allow us a magnificent view of the lake. “I can’t wait to hang out back there.” There’s a big, covered porch, complete with rocking chairs, then a firepit out on the lawn midway to the dock, and a big-ass hot tub off to one side.
“I know. It’s really nice. The firepit was a last-minute addition, but we’ve already used it several times.”
“There’s nothing like a little s’mores action.”
She grins. “Exactly. Though, you wouldn’t catch my parents eating sticky s’mores. That’d just be me, much to my mother’s dismay.” She rolls her eyes. And somehow, I get the idea that she’s not really joking and that makes me sad for her. What must it have been like to grow up as the only child in the Warrington household?
Wanting nothing more than to put a smile on her face again, I hug her to my side. “I’m guessing you could convince plenty of us to join you tonight.”
“You’re totally right.” She shoots me a thankful smile, taking my hand again. “Let me show you around some more.”
We wander the main floor, poking our heads into all the different bedrooms. The entire place is beautiful, like what you’d see on the pages of a home decorating magazine. In fact, I get the feeling that they probably paid someone to come in and do this. Because it’s absolutely perfect.
After showing me a pretty office at the front of the house, Aria’s turned in the opposite direction when I notice a large wooden staircase descending to what I assume is a basement. “What’s down there?”
“There’s another living room, a game room, a smaller kitchen area, and three more bedrooms.” Aria fidgets next to me. “Do you want to have a look?”
Slowly, I shake my head. I can’t imagine what a place like this must cost. Don’t even want to think about it. I’m here with my girl and the best I can do is to try to enjoy myself and not overthink this. “No. That’s okay. There’ll be time for that later.” I squeeze her hand in mine as I lead her back into the kitchen. “Do you mind if I get some water?”
“Not at all. My dad stocked the fridge. Have a look at what’s in there.”
I’d been about to get some water from the tap, like I do at home, but she gestures to the huge stainless steel fridge. I chuckle. “I think you could store half a cow in here.” I pull it open to find an amazing assortment of beverages and a ton of food. There are various containers with pre-made meals, as well as a lot of other choices. It kinda blows my mind. “Jeez. Who did this?”
“Dad hires a company to stock the kitchen and clean before anyone comes out here. There should be a couple meals’ worth of food ready to pop in the oven, and I requested stuff for a cookout.” She peers past me into the vast array of food. “I told Dad to have them get us stuff for burgers and hot dogs, but it’s entirely possible he ordered steaks.”
“Cool.” I bob my head a few times, trying to act nonchalant. But then as I’m reaching into the fridge for one of the bottles of water, I blurt, “Wow. I’ve never seen water in such fancy glass bottles before.”
Aria rolls her eyes. “Yeah. That’s Dad’s favorite water. It’s from some natural spring in Switzerland. He claims it tastes better. I think he’s off his rocker.”
Shrugging, I twist the top off and take a sip. I hold the bottle up, my brow furrowing as I inspect the label. “Tastes like… water.”
Aria’s lips are pressed together, but I can see the amusement at my reaction on her face. “Mm-hmm. Funny how that works. If I tell you something, will you promise never to breathe a word of what I tell you?”
My brows raise. “Another of Aria’s secrets? Not sure I can handle that,” I say with a chuckle.
She swats at me and the most deviously cute smile stretches her lips. “I totally drink the water, then refill it with the water from the fridge dispenser and give it to Dad.”
“You little rebel.”
She shrugs, stifling her laugh with a hand. “Sometimes you gotta do what makes you happy.”
“And pulling one over on your old man makes you happy?”
“Kinda.” She’s got the most adorable sheepish grin on her face. “I can’t help myself. That’s what he gets for acting like an ass. I drink all his bougie water and laugh when he talks about how delicious the lake house’s water tastes.”
I set the water down and boost her onto the counter, stepping between her legs. “You’re full of surprises.” I rake my teeth over my lip, staring into her twinkling eyes. “When is everyone else coming?” I ask, my voice suddenly gruff.