Page 28 of Queen Rose

“You’re right. I totally am.” Beau shrugs his shoulders as Lyla and I groan. “What?” An impish grin lights up his face.

“Um…” From behind me, Micah’s low voice rumbles, catching our attention.

I spin on my heel, to see his jaw locked up tight and his lips in a tight line. “What’s going on?”

Silently, he holds out a paper.

Lyla’s whispered, “Oh, shit,” is the only thing I hear before the blood rushing in my head overtakes everything. A rage the likes of which I haven’t felt in a really long time flows through me.

“Let me see it.”

Micah quickly crosses to us. “They’re all over the place. People are walking around with them, they’re shoved in the ventilation slats of the lockers, on the floor, taped to walls… fuckin’ everywhere.”

Drawing in a shaky breath, I look more carefully at the drawing that’s been plastered all over the school. It’s a caricature of me. Whoever drew it did a really amazing job, I’ll give them that. It’s unmistakably me. The long hair looks exactly like how I style mine, and I’m in a cheer uniform, but with a sash across my chest that reads Dethroned. On top of my head sits a crooked crown. Slowly, I exhale, trying to control myself.That bitch is at it again. She doesn’t know when to stop.

Beau opens his mouth first, “Do you want us—?”

I slap the flyer against his chest, and he grabs at it. “Nope! I’ve got this.” I pass my bag to Lyla. “Take care of my things for me, would you? Hold them, stuff them in a locker, I don’t care.”

Lyla’s eyes widen and another “Oh, shit,” passes through her lips as she nods. “You got it.”

I stride quickly from the classroom, glad I wore my Mary Janes today because they make me feel powerful. The entire way to the cafeteria, I’m bombarded by these damn flyers. Micah was right. They’re every-fucking-where. Groaning, I finish my walk of shame with Lyla, Beau, and Micah hot on my heels. We’re met by the rest of our crew just outside the double doors.

Xander steps in front of me, forcing me to stop, and takes me by both shoulders, staring intently into my eyes, probably looking for any sign that I’m about to explode. I can tell from the heat infusing it that my face is probably redder than hell, and if it were possible, there would be steam shooting out of my ears. I’m incensed. And it’s not like I haven’t already told her. She’s fucking done. Time for her to realize I mean business.

“What?” I snap, my eyes boring into Xander’s dark ones, which are full of concern.

He huffs out a breath. “Aria, I want to make sure you aren’t about to do something you’ll regret.”

“What? Like telling her to go fuck herself? Because I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m about to do.” My eyes scan over the expressions of the remainder of the group. “Tell me any of you would take this lying down. I’m no doormat. I’m the motherfucking queen of this school for a reason.” I wrench away from Xander. Never mind I’ve been feeling more and more uncomfortable in the role that I’ve played for so long. I can’t let Farrah know I’m shaken. I can’t let her do this to me.

Inside the lunchroom, I go directly to the center table, which had always been full of the OG Roses and their chosen friends until now. We quit sitting here around the time Griff and Max were having trouble with Jack. Now the table is overrun by assholes and idiots, including Farrah herself. But whatever—it’s just a table, not a castle.

I come up behind her and stand silently, arms crossed over my chest, until the expressions on the faces of those sitting with her turn grim. When she turns to see who everyone is staring at, all I do is arch one eyebrow.

A sick grin splits her face. “Ah. Did you finally see the little drawing going around? Cute, isn’t it?” She snickers getting up out of her seat and turning to square off with me. A few unfortunate souls at the table also laugh. But not for long.

“I guess I didn’t make myself clear last week. And maybe it’s because we were basically alone when I told you”—my eyes cut to Danica’s, making her wince—“but I’ll say it again in front of everyone, just so we’re straight.” I swear, Farrah’s face pales visibly in the few seconds that I pause. “Farrah’s done. She’s screwed with me for the last time. If you want to join her, that’s cool with me. No matter who I choose to spend my time with or what anyone thinks of that, I’m still Aria Warrington.” I assess the people who’ve been sitting with her. “You like parties? Bonfires? Prom after-parties? Graduation celebrations? You like being welcomed to those events with open arms? Then I suggest you stop following this idiot. You’re not sheeple, so quit fucking acting like it. Use your own brains for once. Open your eyes. Farrah isn’t going to do anything but drag you down with her.”

Farrah works her jaw back and forth, then scans our audience. “Do you people really want to listen to someone who would date a loser from River Rock?” She wrinkles her nose. “Pretty soon her thieving boyfriend is going to completely ruin her.” Farrah steps up, shoving her pinched face right into mine. “I can’t believe the great Aria Warrington is going to let River Rock Cock be her downfall.”

There are a few snickers at the nickname, which I can’t blame any of them for. I agree. It’s funny.

I nod and chuckle. “I have to hand it to you. Nate and I have been laughing about his River Rock cock. Good one. Anyway, what’s funny to me is that you seem to want what I have so badly, but you don’t even have half a clue what it would mean. You couldn’t handle it. Not for a day. Not for an hour. Not for a single minute.” I poke her in the chest. “Now, take your overinflated ego and for the last time, fuck off, Farrah. I’m done with you. There’s no one to save you. I’ve ignored it up until now because your pathetic, jealous ass isn’t worth my time, but I’ve had enough of your crap. We’re done.” I make eye contact with several people in the crowd. I’m fairly certain no one is going to side with Farrah after this. But just in case, I drive my point home. “I’ll see the rest of you at Beau and Griff’s at the end of spring break for one last bash before we start our final quarter as seniors.”

And that’s what finally pushes Farrah over the edge. She knows that she’ll be miserable being left out. An incensed roar leaves her lips, and she shoves me hard. I stumble backward a few steps, and I probably would have fallen right on my ass, but Griff, who’s been standing directly behind me catches me, seemingly unfazed. “You okay?” he murmurs next to my ear.

I nod. “I’m fine. I’m just glad I’m not Farrah.” On that note, I whirl around and head out of the cafeteria through the doors to the garden.