Alittle while later, we’ve succeeded in putting most of our clothing back on in between kisses and touches and smiles. Aria’s in her bra, panties, and T-shirt, and I’ve managed to yank on my underwear and jeans, though the shirt will have to wait because I’m still kinda sweaty.
My brain is having trouble catching up with what’s happened between us. I’ve had good sex before, but that was something else entirely. It was on a whole different level. It was a meeting of our bodies, but also our hearts… our fucking souls, even. I meant what I said. She’s mine. And I don’t care how fucking possessive I’d sounded saying that to her. In the heat of the moment, it exploded from me and there was no taking it back. And I wouldn’t even if I could.
The truth is, though, she hadn’t seemed to mind. She’d bitten her lip and smiled up at me in that sassy way she has. I can’t help but think we’re flawlessly in sync with each other.
Aria holds out a piece of cheese on a cracker, and I take it from her, wondering if I’m about to be a huge idiot by bringing up my ex. “Tell me how you knew Mariah had talked to me on Monday.” I cock one eyebrow at her as I put the cracker into my mouth and chew.
She shakes her head, picks up the stem of a bunch of grapes and lies down on the blanket at my side. “I didn’t know she spoke to you. That was a guess. Farrah is making my life hell. Monday afternoon, I got a text that some girl from River Rock wanted to talk to me about you.”
“Seriously?” My brow furrows. “Wait. Mariah texted you?”
“Nope. It was actually Farrah waiting for me next to my car, which she’d had some poor schmuck fill with trash.”
I cringe at the thought of that beautiful Aston Martin filled with disgusting garbage. Which I’m sure was Farrah’s point—Aria is the beautiful car. I’m the trash. I heave out a sigh. This is such bullshit. “So, she pretended to be Mariah?”
“I guess so. Mariah wasn’t there, but Farrah played a recording of her saying some shit about you still being her boyfriend and how the ‘slut’ that you took into the woods at the party made weird—” Aria’s voice hitches and she averts her eyes.
Oh, hell no.I frown, sitting up from where I’d been leaning back on my hands. “Weird what?”
Aria plucks a grape from the stem she’s holding above her face and chews slowly. “Weird sex noises. Or something like that. I don’t know.” Her cheeks flush pink.
I chuckle softly. “Um, one, we were pretty quiet, so I think that’s her wild imagination running away from her.”
Aria turns her head ever so slightly, and her throat works a hard swallow. “But did I make strange noises?”
“No,” I grunt. “I think maybe you’re a little self-conscious about what we were doing, and what she said played right into that.”
Her teeth are clamped down on her lip so hard the skin is turning white around them.
I lean down on one elbow and take the grapes from her hand, setting them back in the container. I take her chin between my thumb and fingers and tug gently, freeing her lip. “Two, she and I haven’t been together in a long time. Not since I got kicked off the team in the fall. She was pretty pissed when I brushed her off Monday. So if anything, she’s jealous.” I skim my thumb over her swollen lip as she stares into my eyes. “I’ll deal with Mariah. She’s pissy because I made it clear I don’t want her. She thought she could apologize for what she did to me and I’d go running back to her. And when that didn’t work, she slapped back at me by trying to hurt you.” I heave out a sigh. “I’m really sorry she had a part in this.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Yeah, I know. But it still pisses me off that Mariah listened to Jack and helped Farrah because she knew hurting you would hurt me. Now, what are we going to do about Farrah? That bitch is something else.”
“I told her I was done with her—cut her off, so to speak—and this is how she retaliates. She’ll stop after a while. Right now, people are watching and egging her on, but the reality is no one is willing to rock the boat for very long. Who wants to be a Rosehaven reject right before all the biggest parties and celebrations of the school year?”
I shrug.
She rolls her eyes. “Easy answer. No one. Everyone wants to be included.” We’re quiet for a few seconds before she groans, “I almost forgot, you also said something about Jack…”
I release a low groan. “Jack’s such a fuckwit. If you really want to know”—I raise my brows—“I think he has a thing for you.”
“He can take his thing and shove it up his own ass.”
Snorting with laughter, I cover my mouth. This girl. “Maybe he likes the idea of being with someone so popular.” A light bulb goes on in my head. “He and Farrah are a lot alike, actually. It’s the power they crave.”
“You’re right.” Aria tugs me down beside her and snuggles against my side. “Let’s not talk about them anymore.”
“But wait, I have one more thing.” My chest rumbles with more laughter.
Aria glances up. “What’s so funny?”
“Farrah totally sucked Jack’s dick to get him to help her get info about us.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? She totally called me a River Rock Cock Lover the other day, and meanwhile she’s been over at River Rock blowing Jack?”