Page 19 of Queen Rose


Once we’ve dealt with the trash bags, and I’ve thanked the smart people who came to my aid, I turn to the girls and sink my teeth into my lip. “Did I handle that okay?”

Scarlett, Daphne, and Lyla look mildly shocked. I can’t remember the last time I actually asked for anyone’s opinion about anything I’ve done, and their startled expressions slay me. My gaze meets Lyla’s, and I shrug nonchalantly. “What? Didn’t you remind me not too long ago that girlfriends are supposed to depend on each other? Did I misunderstand?” I shake my head at her and hold my hands out, palms up, giving her an amused what-the-fuck? look.

Lyla’s laughter starts silently, and then she can’t hold it in, which sets the other two off. I wait several seconds and then a giggle bubbles up out of me in response.

“Fuck, that was funny.” Lyla puts her hands on her hips and takes a few calming breaths. “You managed to turn things around on Farrah, that’s for sure.”

“Right? Have you ever seen people move so quickly to haul trash before?” Daphne’s green eyes sparkle with humor.

Scarlett throws her arms open wide and gives me a big hug. “To answer your question, you handled it perfectly. I really want to know who that Mariah chick is, though. That was weird. It sounded stilted. And faked.”

“Yeah, I don’t know. I—” I blush. “We didn’t have sex in the woods, by the way.”

Lyla laughs and looks at me like I’m a little crazy. “Um, why not?”

I give her a sassy smirk. “Okay, maybe we were doing other things. I don’t think I was making much noise. And the music was loud. I think she’s full of shit.”

Daphne rolls her eyes. “Who, Farrah or Mariah?”

“Both.” I let out a cackle. “I’ll talk to Nate, but I don’t think it’s anything. We’re—” I press my lips together and give a little shrug, blowing off my thought.

Lyla pokes me. “Finish.”

My eyes flick up to meet each of theirs before I murmur, “Um, we’re getting pretty close.” A naughty smile curves my lips, which makes each of them grin in return. “I think that Mariah chick has to be some jealous ex-girlfriend. Because between school, work, community service, taking care of his mom and siblings, and the time he spends with me, I just don’t see her as a threat. His plate is very full.”

Scarlett nods. “I agree.”

“I knew from the time we burst into my room and he was sitting there with you in his arms looking entirely freaked out that he’d be good to you.” Lyla lets out a happy sigh.

Daphne gives me a one-armed hug. “Ditto.”

My phone vibrates, and when I pull it out, it’s Nate. A smile twitches to my lips. “Speak of the devil.”

Nate:Hey. Heads up, I had a weird conversation today.

Nate:Well, two, but Jack’s just a dick.


Me:Lemme guess. Some girl named Mariah?

Nate:Dammit. Yeah. She’s my ex. Sort of. We dated on and off for a while.

Me:Yeah. Heard a weird recording of her slinging some shit about me.

Nate:Fuck. I’m sorry.

Nate:She’s pissed that I’ve moved on.

Me:So long as you have, that’s all I care about.

Nate:I’ll show you how I’ve moved on next time I see you.

I bite hard on my lip, because the thought of how he’d show me makes me decidedly warm on the inside.

Me: I wish I could see you today.