“Please. Call me Erin.” Her lips curve into a small smile as she looks from Aria to me and back.
I’ve never wanted my mom to meet any of the girls I’ve dated. But this? This feels right.
The grin that spreads across Aria’s face reaches her eyes. She’s stunning when she smiles like that. “I’d like that. Erin, it is. How about if you sit at the table while I get the leftovers out?”
“Sounds good.”
Seeing the two of them together like this does something weird to my insides. And proving once again that Aria is not who I originally thought she was, she tucks her arm around my mother and leads her over to the table, letting her hold onto her hand. It’s one of the sweetest gestures I’ve ever seen, especially considering they’ve just met. Aria’s not at all nervous to offer assistance.
Once Mom’s sitting, Aria turns immediately to the fridge and pulls out the two remaining half-sandwiches. She holds them up to my mom, one in each hand. With a funny grin, she prompts, “Meatball or turkey and swiss?”
Mom laughs. “I should probably say turkey and swiss… but give me the meatball, please. Sometimes I have to go with what I think I can stomach rather than what’s good for me.”
“I’m so with you on that.” Aria winks and spins to the microwave, unwrapping the sandwich as she goes.
I sit down in the seat next to my mom at the kitchen table and cover her hand with mine. “To answer your question, yeah. They have a house at Lake McCormick.”
Aria hurries back to us and places the warmed sandwich in front of my mom, then pulls out the seat across from her and sits, folding her hands together and tucking them under her chin.
“Nate,” Mom grumbles as she picks up the sandwich, “you should go with her. Have a life for once.”
“And leave you here with the kids? They’ll be home full-time because they won’t be in school that week either.”
“Marcy hasn’t been all that reliable lately, and you know it,” I huff. I want to go. I do. But I won’t leave Mom with no support. It’s not in me to do it.
When I glance up again, Aria gets this funny look on her face like her brain is moving a mile a minute. “What if I had a trustworthy person or two who could come check on you? Make sure you and the kids are fed. Maybe occupy the kids for a few hours while you rest.”
Mom nods, smiling softly at Aria, the gratitude clear on her face. “Yeah, that could totally work if we had the right person. Or people, even.” Her eyes connect with mine, pleading. “Go, Nate. If only for a day or so. Have some fun, you know?”
I bristle, my eyes flicking to Aria and shooting her a what-the-hell-are-you-doing look before they land on my mother. “Mom, you know we can’t spare the money to pay someone to help.”
And to my surprise, Mom slaps the table, a supremely determined glint in her eye. “I have a stash in my bedroom. Extra money. You’re going.”
My mouth drops open. She has extra money? Hidden? Jesus. My eyes squeeze shut for a few seconds. Of all the—
Aria practically shoots out of her seat. She stands there, palms flat on the table, her gaze bouncing between us. “No!” She blinks, then seems to realize what she’s doing and sits back down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. But you misunderstood. There’d be no need to pay for anything.”
I growl. “Aria, you’re not paying for it.”
She purses her lips and rolls her eyes. “Nate. I wouldn’t. Do you honestly think that by now I don’t know what a problem that would be for you?” She sucks in a quick breath. “I have people who would do it because I asked. People who do stuff like this because they’re kind and want to help. It’d be people I trust. I promise.” Aria’s face is hopeful. She grabs my mother’s hand. “They’d make sure you and the kids are taken care of. I wouldn’t feel right bringing Nate along if I didn’t know you were okay.”
My mother tilts her head, gazing steadily at Aria. She slowly nods. “You’re not at all who I thought you were. Now I know why you’ve got my son all twisted up.”
A smile sneaks its way onto Aria’s face. “We’re figuring each other out. Slowly but surely.”
She winks at me, and I feel my heart crack open as she slides further inside. This girl is demonstrating once again that she’s exactly what I need, and not at all what I was expecting.