Nate’s gaze travels my naked body, roaming over every square inch of my skin. His jaw twitches as I settle at his side, resting my cheek on his chest. Strong arms draw me close to him, and I shudder out a relieved sigh. I’m sore. But I got what I wanted. The first man inside my body was not Conner.
That selfish, depraved prick didn’t get what he’s been waiting for all these years. And he doesn’t even know it yet.
I have no doubt that it would have only been a matter of time before he lost control and took that last step, stealing my innocence in the most horrific way imaginable. Not that I’ve been all that innocent for some time now. Not since I understood his intent—and that what he was doing was so, so wrong. He’s a sick, perverted man, and I’ve been his secret plaything. I’ve been at his mercy for far too long, all because I couldn’t bear to explain to anyone how it got to this point—and he’s taken complete advantage of me and what he knew I wouldn’t be able to share with anyone.
My lips curve ever so slightly. That psycho can’t have me. I belong to Nate now.
I peek up, noting that his expression hasn’t changed. It’s clear he’s stunned by my admission.
Is he angry? Hurt? Unnerved? It’s as if he’s trying to hold back an avalanche of emotion. Finally, his tone low, he grits out, “Why the fuck didn’t you say something? I would have been gentle.” He draws in a deep breath. “I would have made sure it was good for you.”
I push up onto my elbow, searching his eyes. “You don’t think it was good?” I wet my lips, dropping my focus to his bare chest. Doubt creeps in. Maybe Conner fucked me up so good that I’m incapable of having anything that resembles normal sex.
“That’s not what I meant. I just would have handled things differently, had you told me.” He reaches out, tipping my chin up, making me look him in the eye. “How come I didn’t know?”
“Because I didn’t want you to. I-I thought it would be weird.” And I’d wanted the entire experience—the lust and the frenzy that comes with passion.
He groans. “Jesus. Aria, most girls want sweet for their first time.”
“I know you don’t know me that well yet… but do I seem like most girls to you?” I stare into his eyes, hoping he can’t see the havoc Conner has created inside my heart—the absolute devastation he’s wreaked on me. I have no sense of what “normal” should be. The pain of it is like trying to swallow razor blades. My chest jerks, and I flatten my hand on his abs so he can’t see the way it’s shaking. “Did it seem like I wanted you to take it easy on me? I deserve to have my first time go how I wanted it to. I wanted to control how it happened.” I hesitate, unsure if I should finish based on the way he’s grinding his teeth as he attempts to process what I’m saying. I can practically see the wheels turning in his head.
I whisper softly, “I didn’t want you to have that power over me. I needed this for me.”
Nate’s blue eyes blaze. “What the hell does that mean, Aria?” His hold tightens around my waist, fingers digging into my skin.
I’m freaking him out. I can tell. Oh, God. I’m making a fucking mess of this. “I mean I wanted it to be my way. I wanted you to take me, ravish me. Fuck me. I wanted you to make me yours. But I needed it to happen in a way I could handle. You don’t have to be upset with yourself. You gave me exactly what I wanted. What I needed.” I blink, feeling the sting of tears at the back of my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall.
Nate’s inhale is slow and steady as he studies me. I’m terrified this may be the calm before the storm. He shifts toward me a bit, cupping my nape in his big hand. “What did you mean by ‘Not him’? What am I missing, Aria? Are we talking about an ex-boyfriend, or what?” He looks deeply into my eyes, so deeply I begin to panic internally. Can he see it hiding there inside me—the wreckage of my heart and the destruction Conner has inflicted on my soul?
Trying to hold myself together, I tear my gaze from his and sink my teeth into my bottom lip for a few seconds. I inhale deeply. Shakily. And then I find the strength to meet his blue eyes with my brown ones. “The last piece of chocolate that I ate earlier… the message said ‘Do what feels right.’ Nate, you feel right to me. Let’s not make this about anything or anyone else.”
He’s still confused and tense. But I’ve always heard sex is the best distraction there is… and considering I’ve heard most guys fall asleep afterward? Maybe it’d help him relax.
I lean in, kissing him hard, and when his mouth opens on a moan, I take full advantage, slipping my tongue in to tangle with his. We kiss with feverish, frantic strokes, our bodies heating once again. His hand slides down to my waist, squeezing, before moving to my hip, and then palming my ass cheek. Moaning into his mouth, I slip one leg over his and grind my clit on his thigh. Shock waves of pleasure roll through me, and if I had any doubts about being physically okay to go another round, they fall effortlessly from my head.
Nate emits another groan as I push him onto his back, straddle his waist, and lie on top of him, his rapidly hardening cock between us, hot against my stomach. I nip at his lower lip before fusing our mouths together.
He feels so good, so right, his smooth, hot skin against mine, and as we continue to kiss and touch. He grabs my ass with both hands, guiding my hips so my wet pussy rubs over his hard length. Up. Down. Up. Down. We’re like wild animals, clawing and groping, mouths fiercely ravaging each other.
Nate trembles beneath me. “Fuck, you feel good. Your pussy is soaked. You’re gonna make me come just like this.” He nips at my neck, licks over the spot, then claims it again, sucking hard.
I squirm, crazed and desperate. The feel of his dick sliding up and down through the folds of my sex makes me shudder with want. I’m so turned on I want to scream, but all I can do is pant and whimper. A wave of heat rolls through me, making me gasp as my orgasm smacks into me. “Oh, God. Nate. Fuck. Yes.” My eyes roll back in my head as the intensity of the sensations overwhelm me. I’m dizzy as I find his mouth again, kissing him deeply as the last of the pulses of pleasure die out.
Below me, he clenches my ass in his hands as he rubs me over him in quick strokes. Oh shit, that’s hot. I hold his head between my hands, watching the way the desire flickers in his eyes. The way his jaw clenches hard. And the way his lips part as he mumbles incoherently.
“Fuck. Aria,” he gasps, and then his entire body goes rigid as he comes. He jerks and growls through it, finally going limp, eyes closing.
After a few seconds, I shift, my eyes widening. His cum is all over both our abdomens where we’re so tightly pressed together. “Whoa,” I whisper, in awe.
Nate peeks at me through one open eye, like a pirate. “Whoa?”
“That was…”
“Really damn good. I fucking told you. You believe me now? I meant it.”
My flushed face heats even further, and I nod. “Got it.” I’m pleased I’ve sufficiently distracted him from my overshare earlier, at least for the moment. Slowly, I push back until I’m sitting upright, peering down at the mess we’ve made.