Daphne hands my clothes back to me, shaking her head. “Max Sutton. I never would have thought I’d see the day.”
Griff stands right next to me. “You never know. Sometimes people surprise you, Daph.” He accepts his clothes from Lyla. “Shit. I’m going to get dressed. I’m fucking freezing.” He jerks his head in the direction of the back stairwell. “Come on.”
I don’t miss for a second the way Daphne assesses the situation at hand. Her brow twitches as she narrows her eyes on me.Yep.She totally knows.
Chapter 34
Jesus, I can’t stop looking at him. We jog up the stairs and hurry down the hall to my room at the back of the house. Fuucckk. How am I supposed to keep everyone from finding out about us before I’m ready when I can’t stop staring at his well-muscled pecs and his drool-worthy abs?
I can say for sure that while I may have noticed other men’s bodies before, Max definitely has something that they don’t. Hell, maybe it’s because I fucking likehim, therefore every part of him is more attractive. I don’t fucking know.
I push the door to my room open and let him go in first. “You remember where everything is?”
Rubbing my hand over my chilled chest, I stare into his eyes as I take a few steps toward him, unsure what I’m doing. Finally, we stand toe to toe, and I grip his arms and drag him the last few inches toward me. Our pelvises bump together, and it becomes very apparent that the snow dive did nothing to help him with the situation in his pants he’d mentioned earlier.
With a low groan, I fuse my mouth to his, stroking inside with my tongue all while my hands slide up his arms to find his shoulders. We continue to kiss as I back him up to my bed. His legs make contact and with a little nudge, he gets the idea, sits down, and scoots himself into the center. I’d had a hard time keeping my eyes off of him when he pulled his clothing off for our snow dive. As I’d thrown back my shots, my eyes traveled his body, the muscled legs, the cut torso, and—fuck—that little trail of hair extending from his belly button down into his underwear. It was a very good thing we were jumping into the freezing-cold snow because I was getting really turned on standing there in my boxer briefs right in the middle of the party with everyone looking on.
And now? I have the burning desire to see Max naked. I crawl onto the bed next to him and catch the waistband of his briefs, only pausing for a second to meet his gaze. When he gives a quick nod and lifts his ass off the bed to help me, I drag them down his legs and off.
His cock springs free and… well, there’s no other way to say it: Max is surprisingly well-hung. Not that I hadn’t felt him through his pants before, but seeing it up close and personal is something else.
The synapses in my brain must stop firing because I just stare for a few seconds before I finally come back to myself. I blow out a breath before sliding my thumb over my bottom lip. “Can I…?” I don’t even know for sure what I’m asking to do. But I want his permission to do it.
“Whatever you want.”
It’s like he read my goddamn mind. I hike my leg over him, straddling just below his hips and rest my ass on his upper legs. For a few seconds, I simply look down at his dick, standing perfectly at attention. He’s so hard, I bet it’s painful, and the head of his cock is almost purple from the blood flowing to it. “You’re—” I exhale sharply and let my eyes go a little wide. “Fucking spectacular.”
Like I’m watching a movie, I stare as I take him in my hand and my thumb rubs over the tip, collecting the pre-cum beading there. With a satisfied grunt, I tentatively caress him from the head to the base, reveling in the soft texture of his skin, which is not unlike my own… yet it’s different. I wrap my hand around him firmly, swallowing hard as I slowly begin to slide my hand up and down, jacking off another man.
Max’s breaths come fast as I work him closer and closer to orgasm, and surprisingly, I’m breathing hard, too. It’s such a fucking turn-on to watch how my touch is affecting him, it’s getting me all worked up.
His ab muscles twitch and tighten, and I can’t resist dragging my fingers along the V as I continue to stroke him.
He lets out a strangled groan. “Fuck. Goddamn, Griff, you know what you’re doing.”
I bite my lower lip, smirking a little. “I do own this same equipment.” Experimentally, I twist my wrist a little as my hand reaches the head. In response he blinks and gasps out.
“Is that okay?”
“Fuck. Fuck, yes. Don’t stop. Unless me coming will freak you out. Then stop.” His mouth falls open, and his jaw locks tight as his legs begin to tremble.
Not. A. Chance. I stroke him faster and a little more roughly. His eyes glaze over and all at once, he jerks, thrusting his dick up in my hand, cum rhythmically spurting from him, landing on my hand and his stomach. He’d been like a geyser, primed to go off. I’ve watched myself come a million times but there’s nothing quite like knowing I did that to him.
I draw in a deep breath, slowly remove my hand, and climb from the bed. Plucking a few tissues from a box on my nightstand, I clean myself up, then go back for a few more.
Max is intently watching me. I sit down on the edge of the bed, reach over, and wipe the mess from his stomach.
My eyes travel over his naked body again. If I had my way, I’d ignore the fact that there’s still a party raging outside my bedroom door. Take this man into my arms and kiss him senseless. I clear my throat and jerk my head toward the bathroom. “You can get in the shower first.”
Max sits up, moving closer to me. He cups the back of my neck with his hand right before he slants his mouth over mine, stroking deeply with his tongue. There’s something about the way he kisses me—it always feels like I’m the most important thing in his world. This man is intent on wringing as much pleasure from me as he can. And I think I might fucking love it.
When we finally part, he murmurs against my lips. “You make me come harder than anyone I’ve ever known. And you’re welcome to join me in the shower. But I can’t guarantee I’d keep my hands to myself.” His forehead touches mine for a second before he releases his hold on me and slides to the end of the bed, getting up and crossing to the bathroom without a backward glance.
Fuck. I don’t even know what to say to that. Am I supposed to follow? Did he want me to?