My jaw works back and forth as I stare into her eyes. “Harder than steel. Like, so hard I thought I was going to black out or something.”
She snickers. “And that’s what I walked in on?”
“Yep.” Blood rushes to my face as I look away.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, Griff,” Lyla whispers softly.
She scoots closer. “One time you asked if I needed a hug, and I very much appreciated it. So… do you need a hug?”
I nod, my chest squeezing tightly. I feel better having told someone but I’m still kind of freaking the fuck out. She sits forward onto her knees and crawls over to me, tucking herself into my side. I inhale a difficult breath as she wraps her arms around me. “Thank you.”
“I’m here for you, Griff.”
I don’t have it in me to respond, so I squeeze her more tightly to me. We sit there for a good, long while, as I continue my struggle to process everything that is happening to me.
Finally, I murmur, “What if I decide I want to be with him and people don’t accept me?”
She props herself up to look me in the eye. “They can go fuck themselves. You be you. That’s all those of us who care about you want. You have to do what makes you happy. Whether that’s being with Max, some other guy, or all the chicks you can handle. I know I’m the newest around here, but I’ve never felt such acceptance in my entire life as I have with this group of people. And as long as you have your crew and they love you, that’s all that matters.”
“Good advice.”
“Well, yeah. I’m Lyla Taylor. I’m a badass. You’re the one who told me that.”
I snort-laugh and squeeze her again. “Yeah. I guess that makes me pretty smart, too.”
“You know it.” She pats my chest. “It’ll be okay, Griff.”
I sure as hell hope so. Because there’s still a very large part of me that is terrified of what I’m feeling.
Chapter 29
Way too early Saturday morning, my phone buzzes with a text notification. When I open my texting app, I’m pleasantly surprised to find it’s Griff. I eagerly pull up the text thread. It’s been over a week since we’ve said much of anything to each other. I’d thought it would be easier that way. But it’s not. It’s been fucking miserable. So, to have him reach out to me, well, I’ll take it. No matter how early it is.
Dreamboat Danbrook:Hey. Can I ask you a question?
Dreamboat Danbrook:And damn, I’m sorry, I just realized what time it is.
I laugh to myself, as that’s exactly what I’d been thinking, too. Curious about his question, I tap out a response.
Me:No worries, man. What’s up?
Dreamboat Danbrook:I didn’t sleep so well last night.
Dreamboat Danbrook:I finally got up and went down to our gym at six.
Dreamboat Danbrook:Anyway …
Me:You’re killing me.
Me:Can’t wait to hear whatever this is about.
Something has him so worked up, he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t wait to text me. I’m slightly nervous it’s something not so great if he’d lost sleep over it, though, so I squeeze my eyes shut as I wait for the next text to come in. The only other time he’s ever texted me was the warning about Jack spouting off at the mouth at the wrestling match. But this doesn’t feel like he’s about to spring another Jack the Jackass alert on me. This feels more personal.Gah.I’m such an idiot. It’s probably nothing. He said he’s not ready. I have to assume he’s still not.
My heart does this weird little extra thud in my chest when my phone vibrates again.