I mean, he could be fucking around for the fun of it. Knowing I’m attracted to him, is he playing some sort of a game? I shake my head to myself as I stare mindlessly at my phone. No, he doesn’t seem the sort to do that. And both his attraction and his confusion have felt genuine. Maybe he’s bi-curious.
I wish I knew if I had a chance in hell of having something real with him. Because would he risk it? His status at school? All the pussy he gets on the regular? And his public image, especially where his dad is concerned…?
Do I mean enough to him? Does he want me like I want him?
So many fucking questions that I don’t have the answers to. So, I’ll do what I do best—fill my time with movie nights and cheering on friends at their respective sporting events. I’ll try to put him out of my mind, because I can’t afford to go down this rabbit hole every time I start thinkingwhat if?
The OUTspoken app chirps, alerting me to an incoming message. Pulling it open, I hastily read.
Sam:Well, that went about as well as I expected.
I grind my teeth. Dammit. I’d been hoping for Sam’s sake his parents wouldn’t act like idiots.
Max:So, not well at all?
Sam:You got it.
Sam:Dad basically told me if I’d just date girls nobody would be looking to kick my ass.
Sam:No sympathy whatsoever.
Max:Awesome. I love your dad. *EYE ROLL*
Sam:Yeah. I’m not sure he’ll ever come around.
Sam:Mom, though … she came up and checked on me.
Sam:That was after Dad was sleeping so she didn’t have to hear his opinion.
Max:But still. That’s good.
Sam:Yeah. She kind of made up for Dad being a jerk.
Sam:Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for yesterday.
Max:Anytime. I mean it. Don’t be shy. I’m here to help.
Chapter 24
For the rest of the weekend, I’d lain low, but I could tell by the incoming texts from some of my friends—mostly Daphne, Scarlett, and Lyla, but also a couple of random ones from Xander, Aria, Micah, and Beau—that my alone time wasn’t going to last forever. I have no idea what they’ve been discussing amongst themselves. Most of them were there when I said I needed to speak to Griff and that the fuckheads who’d hurt Sam are on Griff’s team.
Just thinking about it makes me want to throttle someone. Iwillfind out who is to blame for that and find a way to make sure they pay. I have to go about it the right way. I’ll bide my time, and eventually either Sam will be comfortable enough to tell me exactly who it was or the fucknuts will get too cocky and start talking. I’m fine with waiting, so long as they don’t mess with him anymore—whoever the fuck they are.
Obviously, my friends know I took off fast from the party, and I assume they think my disappearing act over the weekend and my need to be alone for a while has to do with what happened to Sam. They haven’t a clue that in addition to Sam’s trouble and the connection Griff may have to it because of his team, I’m also completely perplexed about Griff himself. I don’t know what excuses he’d made to Daph or what had been said after I left. I’d told her I was fine, but I knew better than to think she’d buy that. I also can’t imagine there’s any way Griff would have laid his cards on the table. He’s clearly not ready to share what’s happening between us with anyone.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little upset that Griff hasn’t attempted to reach out to me. He’d kissed me with a passion I’ve never experienced before, touched me, and set my body on fire. And then not even a text. Nothing. But it’s all good. I can’t let his actions dictate what I do. I’ve got books to read, homework to do, movies to watch, and friends to hang out with. That’s what I’m going to focus on or I’ll go out of my mind.
Speaking of, my gaze shifts to the pretty ladies standing with me in the hallway outside the main gym where the wrestling tournament is about to begin.
“You ready for this?” Scarlett gives me a sassy smile as she loops her arm through one of mine and Daph puts hers through the other as we enter through the double doors at one end of the gymnasium.
Daph peeks up at me. “You haven’t been yourself. We were hoping hanging out would help.”
“But a wrestling match? Is this your idea of fun on a Thursday night? What the hell are you two trying to do to me?” My lips twist playfully.
Daph’s eyes close briefly, and she gives her head a nervous shake, as if she can tell there is naughtiness about to fall out of my mouth.