Oh hell.Remind me to gift the poor man a tub of disinfectant wipes. The government teacher is not a bad guy. I don’t want to think about what those two may have left behind for him.Yuck.
Mitch rumbles out, “In the storage closet in the auxiliary gym—on the gym mats with Cassie Simpson.”
Oh fuck, seriously?I hope they clean those things.
Callum must be out of balls because he turns his back on the pitching machine and eyes me. “How about you, Danbrook? With that bevy of beauties buzzing around you, you have to have some good ones.”
I clear my throat and take a swing, but I’m so distracted I miss. “The fifty-yard line. Is that weird enough?”
Immediate laughter ensues.
Mitch hoots. “When the hell did this happen?”
“After practice. It was getting dark, and we decided to go for it.”
I shake my head, propping my bat over my shoulder, as my machine is now out of balls as well. “Nope. I’m a gentleman. I’ll never tell.”
That statement is met with hisses and boos. I went from the champion to the loser in about two seconds flat.
Jack shakes his head. “Pretty boy is too fucking nice. Okay, change of subject. Are we bringing dates to the Valentine’s Day dance?”
I shrug as I walk out of the cage and sit down. “Not sure.”
“It worked out pretty well for you the last time we didn’t, Griff.” Callum cackles, throwing his head back.
I cringe a bit, knowing they are referring to Daph. As I watch, a ball flies past Callum’s face. That guy is going to get nailed with one if he doesn’t pay attention. Karma, I guess.
Jack snorts and joins me on the bench to wait for the other two guys to finish up. “Hell, yeah, it did. Speaking of. Is that Daphne girl single, or—?”
Shaking my head, I state, “No, definitely not. She and Micah are hot and heavy.” I grit my teeth, studying Jack.
I should totally say something to him about his dick move with Max at lunch today, but I didn’t want to ruin the good time for the others. I mean, it was probably a blip on his radar, and I have no doubt he was trying to be funny. But it wasn’t. And it’s been on my mind ever since it happened—especially since Max got all fucking fired up at me about it.
“Damn. That’s too bad.” Mitch sighs loudly as he sits down. “If you weren’t interested, I totally was. Ever since the day that Double D was whipped creamed on her car, I’ve thought she was pretty cute.”
“You’re way too slow on the draw.”
Callum finally exits his cage. “Fine. What about the new girl. Lyla something?”
“Lyla Taylor. And nope. She’s dating my brother.” I shift, looking at them. “What the hell is this, perve-on-all-of-Griff’s-female-friends day?”
“Cockblocker,” Jack rolls his eyes, shaking his head.
“What can I say? I’m protective of my friends.” I frown, not liking his tone.
Mitch gives an exaggerated groan. “So, that means the feisty redhead is a no go, too, huh?”
My brows draw together, staring at him like he’s an idiot. “Um, do you want to tangle with Xander Grey? Because I wouldn’t advise it.”
“Right. Fine.” Mitch pouts good-naturedly. Out of these three, he’s the one I know is just messing around. Jack and Callum, though? They can be straight-up assholes when they want to be.
Jack slaps his hands on his thighs and stands up. “So, we’re going stag again, then?” He pauses a bit, then laughs. “It’s all good. I had a lot of fun stealing another guy’s date and going at it in the bathroom at homecoming. Anyone want to bet I can’t do it again?”
Fuck.Maybe I do need better friends, like Max said. With that thought heavy on my mind, I head back home to get ready for the party.
Chapter 18