I snort at the appalled look on Micah’s face. “Nah. There’s nothing to say. Jack’s an asshole. I’m good.”
Daph studies me for a few seconds, then nods. “You sure you’re okay?” She punctuates her question by giving an involuntary shiver.
The chill has finally settled over my heated skin. “It’s cold. You two should go back inside. I’m going to take a few minutes to myself.”
Micah gets up and hands me the bagged lunch, taking me at my word, but Daph balks. “I’m not leaving you out here alone.”
“I promise I’m fine. I have some stuff on my mind. Probably why I didn’t react well to Jack’s little joke.” Right.Or maybe Jack was hitting way too close to home because you’d love to sit on Griff’s lap and that made you nervous. Or, you were scared Griff would be pissed that he was dragged into it, too, no matter how confident he is.
“Daph, let the man have a few minutes. He’s good.” Micah eyes me and nods as he bends down and gently takes Daphne by the elbow. “Come on. Back inside. It’s January, and you’re freezing your cute little Baby Yoda panties off in that skirt.”
She swats at him, her lips tugging into a small smile, but stands and folds her arms across her chest. “Okay. But you promise we’ll talk more later?”
“About whatever you want. Sure.”
“Catch ya later, Max.” Micah waves, pulls Daphne close, and walks back inside with her.
Chapter 16
An hour later, I’m suffering through French class. Madame Donnet has paired us up for a lesson she likes to call “parler avec un ami”—converse with a friend—and I can’t concentrate. It might have something to do with the fact that the teacher paired me with Griff for the exercise. It feels ridiculous to ask him random questions about school, sports, and his plans for the weekend when all I’m capable of doing is hoping he isn’t about to tell me he’s going out with some girl. But I have to talk to him about something, and I’ll be fucked if we’re talking about what happened in the lunchroom earlier. No can do. But I see it there in his eyes as we talk back and forth about random crap—he wants to say something. And I really,reallyneed him to refrain. I don’t think I could handle it.
And holy hell. I glance up, meeting Lyla’s eyes across the room. She’s got a narrowed gaze on me, and I suddenly wonder if maybe my body language is giving me away. She’s looking at me like one of those velociraptors in theJurassic Parkmovies, trying to figure me out. Watching my every move. She’s smart.Gah.
Am I doing something that will give away my chaotic thoughts about Griff? And really, whatwouldBeau and Lyla think if they knew I was into Griffin? Honestly, Lyla probably wouldn’t give a damn. She’s very open-minded; she had to be because of how she’d grown up. But with Beau, it’s his family. Hisbrother.Would that make things weird? Hell, maybe I should stop hanging around their house with Daphne. I’ve been there a lot lately because more often than not that’s where she is.
Agh.The amount of time I spend worrying is utterly mind-numbing. They’d probably laugh and shake their heads at me.
I can’t think about that now, though. Gotta focus on the dreamboat in front of me and get through the next ten minutes of French conversation.
I take in a controlled breath. Watch his sexy lips as he fires a question at me about my favorite movie. Somehow, every word out of his mouth in French is smooth and sensual, like a lover. It’s so damn swoony I’m about to melt into a puddle on the floor. I’m overwhelmed by the entire package that is Griffin Danbrook, and I’m close to bursting out of my skin. All I’m aiming for with each of my responses is to not sound like an idiot or drool on myself.
By some miracle, I make it to the end of class without embarrassing myself furtherorhaving Griff bring up Jack’s antics in the lunchroom. I haven’t been so relieved in a long time.
As the bell rings, I shoot out of my chair, gather my things, and take off. Time to head to the guidance office where I can keep my head down and no one will bother me. I’ll bury myself in office work and running errands. Maybe that will give me a chance to shake off the foul mood I’ve been in since Jack’s douchebag comment.
Just before I make my escape into guidance, though, a strong hand clamps down on my shoulder, sending electricity skittering through my veins. I don’t have to look to see who it is.
Griff turns me around to face him and grips my shoulder firmly, sending my heart rate soaring.
My gaze roams the mostly empty hallway. Most people are heading to class and aren’t anywhere near the office. We have a modicum of privacy for the moment. My jaw sets. “What?” The question snaps from my lips with maybe a hint more aggression than I’d intended as I shrug out of his hold.
His blue eyes lock on my hazel ones, and his jaw tenses. “I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“For what?” I scoff.
“For that asshole at lunch.” He huffs out a breath and tears his gaze from mine, staring down at the floor. “And for not saying anything.” He shrugs. “Mostly the latter. I should have said something, but I can’t really control the level of assholery Jack will stoop to on any given day.”
He looks… uncomfortable. Nervous.
“Yeah, well, you're not responsible for him. Only for yourself.” I roll my eyes. “But maybe you need to find better friends.” I can’t help myself. That last bit came out with some venom, for sure.
Griff’s brows raise and his jaw twitches. “I’ll make a note that Max Sutton thinks my friends suck. Got it.” I can tell by the quickening rise and fall of his chest that he’s now more agitated than nervous.
“Well, they fucking do. Obviously.”
“Whatever. I was trying to apologize.” He backs away from me, his arms extended from his sides, a smug look marring his handsome face. “Apparently, the great Max never takes a misstep or makes a single mistake. I’ll remember that, too.” He shrugs, as if indifferent to all of it, turns, and walks away.