Page 11 of Wrecked Rose

“Look, I was only having some fun. Daph’s a good girl. I can honestly say I never really looked twice at her prior to homecoming, which I’m kicking myself for now that I know what I know.” He laughs quietly, interrupting his own thoughts.

“Are we bringing upthekiss?”

“Which kiss areyoutalking about, Max?” He raises a brow as if daring me to bring upourkiss from last night. To bring it into the sober reality of the day instead of leaving it behind with all the whiskey we drank last night.

I groan and shove all the memories I have of Griff’s soft lips into the background. I have no clue why I wouldn’t jump on the chance to discuss it. But I don’t.

“Um. You and Daph.” With a quick glance over to where she’s curled up in Micah’s arms, still sound asleep, I whisper, “You should know that her actions that night wig her out a little. Like she left some business unfinished—”

“Like what?”

“She has it in her head that she’s supposed to apologize to you or something. And the longer she doesn’t, the more awkward she feels about it.”

His forehead creases. “I hope I didn’t do something to make her think that. I’m cool with her if she’s cool with me. I dropped the idea of pursuing her when Micah said she was his.” He chews on his lip. “And then he moved in here, and I got a chance to really see them together—and it turns out their relationship is pretty amazing.”

I nod in agreement because I can tell he’s not quite done.

He rubs his hand over his jaw. “I wouldn’t want to get in the middle of the good thing they have going.” His eyes roam over them, and he murmurs, “I think she’s a great girl and someone I’d like to have as a friend.”

“Good. Then I think it’ll all be fine. Just, maybe… would you make sure she knows she doesn’t owe you anything?”

“I haven’t ever felt like she owed me. Not for the make out in the middle of the homecoming dance floor or for anything that happened after.” He looks me dead in the eyes. “I mean, any time a hot girl wants to grab me and kiss me, I’d be down with it.”

Right. Definitely hetero to the core. That statement is his not-so-subtle way of making sure I get it. He digs chicks. I look away in an effort to hide my rapidly growing disappointment.

Then again, he gave me the chance to say something about what happened last night… and I chose to talk about him and Daphne instead. Totally not like me at all to not take advantage of something like that. Why am I like this with him when I’m usually so confident in who I am and what I want?

Lost in my own thoughts, I don’t even notice that he’s stood up. When I finally blink and look up, he cocks his head to the side, jerking his thumb over his shoulder. “Um. Do you wanna take a shower?”

Chapter 7


All the blood in my body rushes straight to my dick. I clear my throat. “Uh, what?”

“You can use my shower. We have others, obviously, but I don’t know if Mom has them stocked with what you’d need, and the housekeepers have the day off.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal. “You’re welcome to use my stuff.”

Nodding, I stand up, praying it’s not obvious I’m sporting a semi at the thought of showering in a space where Griff gets naked on a regular basis. I run a hand through my hair. “Yeah. That’d be great, thanks.”

“Follow me.”

I’ve only ever been upstairs in Beau and Griff’s home one other time—the night Scarlett was assaulted at the party. Fortunately, Griff’s room is not anywhere near the room where it happened because I don’t want to think about it. It wasn’t a good night for any of us.

Upon entering his room—which, surprise, surprise, has a few nicely framed Batman posters hanging on the walls—he points to the en suite. “There are towels on the shelf in there. Help yourself to anything in the shower.” He scratches his head for a second. “Oh, and there should be new toothbrushes in the drawer on the right and toothpaste on the counter.”

“Great. Thanks.”

I give him a grateful smile and head in there, shutting the door behind me.

Holy shit. I lean against the door, needing the extra support. How did agreeing to accompany Daph to a party end up with me getting naked in Legendary’s bathroom?

I shake my head and push off the door, then turn to look at myself in the mirror. I still have slight concerns about what I may have said or done last night while totally inebriated—after I’d done the craziest thing and kissed Griff, that is. My fingers skim over my lips, remembering. I blow out a harsh breath before I grab at a drawer handle and yank it open. I stare into the drawer for a beat before slamming it shut.Right.He’d said right.

The drawer to the left of the sink held more condoms than I’ve ever seen in one place in my entire life. That drawer tells me a lot about Griff.

One, he’s like a Boy Scout. Always prepared.

Two, either he has a lot of sex or he wants to. Based on what I’ve heard and seen, I’m going with the former.