Page 47 of Wrecked Rose

“Wait, what?”

“It snowed last night. My brother, Xander, Micah, and Aria always have a snowball fight and go sledding the first major snowfall of the new year. I bet you they’ll invite the girls, and I’m pretty sure Daph will probably invite you, too.”

“Okay, well, I guess we’ll see what happens.”

“I’ll probably join in.” His voice hitches as he hesitates. “I wish I could…”

He wishes he could ask me himself without it being a thing. I can feel it. I take a few deep breaths. “Griff?”


“I get it. And I hope she asks me to come over, too.”

Chapter 30


After picking Daphne up from her house, I pull onto the Danbrooks’ immaculately plowed driveway around noon. Because of course she’d called me to go with her. So, here we are, ready to experience a snowball fight and sledding with this crew. We’re in full snow gear—snow pants, heavy winter coats, gloves, hats, and scarves. I’m ready for action. Daph, not so much.

I sneak a peek at her in my passenger seat. She’s picking at the fringe on her pretty green scarf. I can’t resist messing with her a little bit. “You’re not nervousat all,are you?”

She gives me a disgusted look like she may puke on her boots. “You know I’m not the athletic, sporty type,” she mumbles. “If Scarlett hadn’t insisted, I probably would have bailed. We could be at my house having a movie marathon.”

Laughing softly, I maneuver us behind Xander’s SUV. “Are you worried about getting creamed by a snowball?”

“Yeah. Kinda. Let’s be real. I’m easy pickings in a snowball fight.”

“I’ll give you a hint. If we choose teams, make sure you get on Micah’s and then hide behind the big man.”

“Good plan.” She grips the door handle tightly. If her hands were bare, her knuckles would be white. “Thanks for coming with me. I know this isn’t usually your sort of thing either.”

Oh, Daph.When she called immediately after I’d hung up with Griff, there’d been no mistaking the plea in her voice when she insisted I join her. I think she figured I’d immediately say no.

Not a chance in hell. I want to look into Griff’s eyes, knowing he’s curious.

Knowing that he’s trying to figure things out.

Knowing he’s been unable to sleep.

Knowing he’s been thinking about me.

I hide my smile from her. Snowball fights and sledding are definitely my thing if Griff Danbrook is involved. She’s so focused on her own misery, she’s forgotten all about seeing Dreamboat Danbrook in my texts. It’ll probably pop into her head the second she sees Griff.Can’t wait for that.

“Come on, girlfriend. Let’s see what craziness we’re about to get into.” I reach behind her seat, pulling out the duffel bag she brought with her, hand it off, then grab mine as well. We’d been warned that we’d be expected to stay for the party later tonight, so it would be smart to bring a change of clothing. “Ready?”

She nods with a little eye roll. “As I’ll ever be.”

The driveway is covered by a thin coating of ice, and Daph immediately slips. Fortunately, I’d been ready for that, steadying her with a hand to her elbow.

Glancing up at me with a grateful smile, she murmurs, “Thanks.”

Hearing some noise from around back, we head that way, walking on the fresh snow, which is substantially less nerve-wracking for Daph, even if it is a little hard to trudge through. We’d gotten a full foot of snow overnight. It’s beautiful but also cold as fuck.

I unlatch the gate to the backyard at the side of the house and usher Daphne through.

“Yeah!” Scarlett shouts and throws her arms into the air as we come through the gate. She does a funny hopping run through the snow, then throws her arms out, enfolding us in a three-person hug. “I’m so glad you both came.”

Just then, Micah swoops in, grabs Daph’s bag from her hand, and hauls her over his shoulder, spinning her around. Given the way she’s giggling and screaming, I think she’s going to be okay. I’d told her that she’d be fine as soon as we got here, because Micah. I never had a doubt.