Islam my shoulder into the door of the library study room one more time. It won’t budge. Carter and Shayne. Those asshats must have been really pissed about the spirit squad’s antics today. I don’t know how they knew I’d be studying here after school, but less than fifteen minutes after I’d arrived, they showed up, stole my phone, and barricaded me in here. They must have pushed the heavier-than-hell filing cabinet in front of the door so I couldn’t get out.
I’ve tried everything I can think of—ramming into the door, shoving on it with all my weight—but it won’t budge. Dropping to my knees, I lower my face into my hands. Micah is going to think I didn’t show up for him. I promised him I’d be there. Tears well in my eyes.
And what am I going to do if no one comes to let me out? It’s Friday, and we have a three-day weekend. No one will be back in the academy until Tuesday morning. I want to throw up. I’ve been here for hours without anyone realizing I’m missing. At least, I think it’s been hours. There are no windows and no clock, and those bastards took my phone.
My ears perk up as what sounds like footfalls get closer, almost like someone is running toward the library.
Then a lower voice, “Daph!”
My hands shake as they cover my mouth for a quick second. “I’m here! I’m trapped in the study room!” I spring to my feet and pound my fists against the door.
“In here!”
“Oh, thank God,” comes Scarlett’s voice from the other side of the door. “Hang in there, we have to figure out how to get you out. There’s a big-ass cabinet in front of the door.”
I hear some indistinct mumbling and some grunting as they do their best to move it and I keep trying to push from my side of the door. That cabinet must weigh several hundred pounds.
Max growls. “Motherfuckers. This had to have been Carter and Shayne’s handiwork. I can’t believe they did this.”
It takes several minutes, but finally they’re able to get to the doorknob and pull the door open a few inches.
Scarlett peeks in and offers me a small smile. “Hey, Daph. This is going to take a while. I don’t know how the hell they managed this.”
I scoff, “I guess two pissed off football players are stronger than you’d think.”
The minutes tick by, and with each one, I’m reminded that Micah thinks I didn’t show up for him. “Guys? How did you know?”
Max grumbles, “Micah figured it out when you didn’t show. The idiots were acting weird and so was Alora. Surprise, surprise.” He slips my phone through the crack in the door. “They left your fucking phone on top of the cabinet after they texted us to say you weren’t coming. Message your parents. They’re worried sick and on their way over.”
I shoot Mom and Dad a quick text letting them know where I am and that I’m okay before I test the width on the door again. “Hey, guys? Pretty sure if you give me another two inches, Double D can squeeze out.”
Scarlett cackles. “What a time to make jokes. Give us a sec.”
It’s not a minute later that I have indeed managed to squeeze myself through an eight-inch opening in the door.
Max and Scarlett both throw an arm around me and give a quick hug before the three of us race to get out to the football field.
“Judging by the shouting, I’d say it’s halftime.” Max nods toward the locker room as we pass by, and sure enough, I hear it, too.
Scarlett tugs on my blazer. “Why don’t we wait close to the gate at the field where Micah can see you?”
I nod. “Sounds good.”
We’re only there five minutes when the players run from the gym back toward the field. Micah breaks into a sprint, sweeping me up into his arms. He whirls us around before setting me down. He takes my head between his rough hands. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’ll explain later. Right now, you need to be on that field with your head in the game. But, Micah?”
He looks into my eyes, his dark soulful gaze questioning.
“I love you. I’ll never let you down.”
He quickly undoes his chin strap and pulls his helmet from his head, taking a quick second to kiss me before whispering against my lips. “I love you so fucking much, Daph. And I know. That’s how I knew something was wrong. I trust you.”