Tuesday afternoon, I’m sitting at the kitchen table working on some make-up assignments when the doorbell rings.
Mom glances up at me. “Are you expecting anyone, honey?”
I shake my head. “No. I told everyone I’d be back in school Friday once I was feeling better.”
“Mom. I want to go back. Transferring is not the right decision.”
“You sure are stubborn when you want to be.”
I shrug. I’m pretty lucky that my parents aren’t arguing about it more than they already have. But what’s the difference if I’m at Rosehaven versus River Rock? Instead of being the girl with the leaked sex tape, I’d be the new girl who had to change schools because of a leaked sex tape. It’s all over town already anyway, so a change of schools does nothing except yank my support system out from under me. No thank you. I’m going to need Max and Scarlett more than ever now. And Micah, too.
The doorbell rings again. “We should answer the door.”
She side-eyes me, but gets up and goes to the foyer.
From here, I can’t see who it is, but I can hear the low tone of a male voice. At first, I assume it’s Micah but when I realize it’s not, disappointment sets in and I go back to my French homework.
“Hey, sweetness.” Beau shoots me a sheepish smile as he stands at the doorway, hands on his hips.
My jaw drops open. I glance past him, halfway hoping Micah is here, too. “Um… hi, Beau.” I never would have guessed he’d show up alone.
My mom discreetly goes into the kitchen, where it sounds like she’s randomly banging around, opening and closing drawers and cabinets. I know darned well she can hear every word being said from where she’s standing.
With a twinkle in his eye, Beau gestures to the seat across from me. “Can I sit?”
“What? Oh, sure. Sorry.” I close my French notebook and push it aside.
“No worries.” He pulls out the chair and lowers himself into it, then rests his elbows on the table. His fingers absentmindedly play with the tassels on the placemat in front of him. “I’m going to cut to the chase. Micah really misses you, and the fact that he hasn’t laid eyes on you since before the accident is wearing on him, bad. I get that you told us you’d reach out when you were ready, but—” He pulls a face. “Whatever you texted him about earlier today has him teetering on the edge.”
I look down at my hands, knowing he’s referring to me telling my parents about the assault. Swallow. Glance back up with a frown. “Did he ask you to talk to me?”
“Nope. He didn’t. And under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t butt in. But Micah is like a brother to me, and he’s blaming himself for a whole lot right now. Mostly, though, he’s worried about you. For so many reasons, too—what happened with Alora, the accident, whatever you texted him about. Just … everything.”
My eyes flick to him but I don’t say anything.
He rubs his hands through his hair. His frustration is nearly palpable. “The thing is, Micah will continue to feel like this until he gets a chance to see you for himself. And, as I’m sure you know, Micah can be pretty hard on himself. He’s different with you, Daph. He told me you understand him more, know him better, than anyone in his life. And when you take me and Xander into account, that’s a pretty big deal. So, I don’t know how you did it, but you’re in there deep.” He pounds his fist against his chest. “I think you’re it for him. But he doesn’t want to upset you if you don’t want to see him.” He sighs. “But please, for the love of all that’s holy, let him come see you so he can fucking breathe again.”
I nod, overcome. If Micah’s talking like this about me to one of his closest friends—his brother—I’m definitely on solid ground with him instead of blowing around in the breeze. I know I shouldn’t have let this entire thing with Alora throw me so hard, but it has. “There’s been a lot of stuff I’ve had to work through. And I appreciate that he’s given me the time to do it.”
Beau folds his hands together. “I’m going to be straight with you. His parents are shitty. I know he’s told you what his family is like. You’re the one who has completely changed his outlook on life and how he feels about himself. You’re the one who made him want to stop this cycle of acting out to try and get his parents’ attention.”
My mother sucks in a breath in the other room.
“You haven’t met them yet, but trust me when I say he’ll never get from them what he needs, so it’s best he stops trying. They aren’t good people. I worry that without you, he’ll go down a self-hate spiral that will inevitably lead him to do things that will endanger his future. He’s been in a good place lately. Because of you. But I’m really worried about him right now.”
Mom clears her throat, reminding me of her presence.
I swallow and raise my voice. “I’m fine, Mom.”
“Okay. If you’re okay, I’m going to go swap places with your dad at the store.”
“Yep. Or he can stay with you. I’m fine.” I clear my throat, glancing at Beau. “I might go see Micah.”
Mom pokes her head around the corner. “For what it’s worth, I think that’s probably not a bad idea.” Apparently, my parents have had a change of heart after our conversations this week. She emerges fully from the kitchen, grabs her purse, and heads toward the door, stopping to turn around as she opens it. “Love you, baby.”
“Love you too, Mom.”
She departs with a wave.
Mashing my lips together, I study Beau, who is quietly doing the same with me. “I hear you about not wanting Micah’s head going to a bad place. I don’t want that either. He asked me to come to the game Friday night—the one with the scouts.”
“Yeah? I know it would mean the world to him if you went. Everyone else’s parents will show up for them. He has no one.”
A small smile lifts the corners of my lips. I inhale deeply, my decision made. “He has me. Give me a ride over to see him?”