Page 10 of Ruthless Rose

Chapter 8

One look down the hallway is all I need to give me second thoughts about finding Micah this morning and convincing him to just pick a time and place to meet up. Alora is practically climbing him as he kisses her. He’s holding her face between his big hands, tilting her head to the perfect angle as he ravages her mouth. As I watch, unable to look away, he removes his hands from her face only to grab her ass and pull her snugly to him. She practically melts. They pull apart reluctantly as Farrah runs up to him, giving him a hug that plasters every inch of her body to his.

My face burns. I can’t do this. I don’t even want to talk to him, much less tutor him. The worst of it is my nipples are hard and my panties might be a little damp. How did observing the three of them gross me out and turn me on at the same time? I draw in a shuddering breath.

I know it’s none of my business, but the idea that he sleeps around is disturbing to me. I can’t wrap my head around how these girls could not care that the guy they are seeing—the guy they are likely having sex with—is also seeing other girls. How is this not an issue for them? It would be for me. For sure. Maybe I’m just a prude.

Ha-ha, Daphne. You’re not even on his radar, so what are you worried about?

The talking-to that I give myself doesn’t stop me from thinking about what’s right in front of my face. The thing is, Micah could have any girl he wanted, and she’d be his without question. But maybe that’s partly why he does it. Maybe he gets off on the fact he can have anyone. If that’s the case, it’s kinda sick and twisted. I give a furtive glance in their direction as my path brings me closer to their shenanigans, my eyes taking in every last detail.

These particular girls have perfect bodies. Big breasts, tiny waists, and curvy hips. I look down, disgusted when I take in the straight shot right to my toes—no boobs in the way at all. I don’t think they even make a shirt small enough to showcase my nonexistent chest.

And how do they get away with hemming their skirts like that? I thought there were dress code policies in place to prevent them from sexing up our uniforms. Then again, they’re Roses. Their parents donate obscene amounts of money to the academy every year, and it allows them to do whatever they want.

I’m smart enough to realize that every single thing running through my head right now makes me sound incredibly jealous that Micah looks at these girls the way he does.

Feeling disgusted with myself, I sigh and try to slide past them unnoticed. Instead, a dude hightailing it in the other direction plows right into my arm, knocking me straight into Micah’s back. Clearly his athletic abilities include whirling around and catching falling females because that’s exactly what he does as I stumble.

One hand grips my waist and the other catches me by the elbow.

His voice is gruff in my ear. “Are you okay?” He makes sure I’m steady before removing his hands.

I stare up into his eyes and feel sort of mesmerized. I wonder to myself if that kid jarred something loose in my head when he bumped into me. “I-I’m fine.” I brush over my skirt front and back with my hands to make sure it’s in place. My worst nightmare would be to find out I’ve been walking around with my ass hanging out.

He takes a deep breath, a funny look sliding over his handsome features. His words come out pained. “So, where do you want to meet?”

My eyes get really big. “Meet?” The synapses in my brain must have stopped firing in favor of my hormones taking over and rampaging out of control. He wants to meet up with … me?

“For tutoring.” He shoves his hand through his hair. “Coach says I have to.”

“Oh, um…” Cue furiously blushing cheeks. “How about that coffee shop over near the hardware store?”

He nods, his jaw tense as he works it back and forth, thinking. “But not until six. I’ve got practice until five thirty.”

My mind whirs. I guess I’m going to have to go home and come back out, or stay here and study in the library until it’s time to meet him. Or…

“Is that a problem?”

“What?” I shuffle my feet, mildly embarrassed that I’ve been in my head and his stare has been concentrated on me. “No, I’ll figure it out. Maybe I’ll just do homework at the coffee shop until you can get there.”

Alora laughs from beside him, reminding me of her presence and looking at me with such loathing it makes me uneasy. “She’s such a fucking nerd, Micah.”

Aria’s head cocks to the side as she approaches, rolling her eyes at Alora. “That’s kind of the point with a tutor, isn’t it? They’re supposed to be all nerdy and shit.”

Um? Thank you, Aria?I think. Really, who knows what Aria has going on in her head at any given time. She and Scarlett supposedly made nice as of the party at Beau’s last weekend, but to me, she’s still the head cheer bitch, who, when she isn’t in ignore-all-Thorns mode, routinely looks down her nose at me, even when I haven’t done anything to deserve it. Like I told Scarlett at the beginning of the school year, we’re better off steering clear of the whole nasty lot.

Too bad for me, I’m being forced into proximity with them. But at least Aria’s comment was mildly helpful, as Alora turns with a huff and stalks off to her first class.

Aria covers her mouth, winks at Micah, and walks away.

Her departure leaves Micah and me alone together. His gaze as it lands on me is cold. Mocking. Finally, he rolls his eyes a little and says, “So, six o’clock?”

I nod, eyeing him like he’s about to strike out and bite me. If I thought I was capable of speech right that second, I’d have verbally agreed, but as it is, his eyes tracking down my body make me shiver. Whether in fear or distaste, I don’t know.

“I saw you watching us, you know.”

Or could it be the tremble running through my body means I recognize the energy he puts out there. I might even like it. Crave it. Crave him. “What? I wasn’t wa—”