Daph’s Dream Dick:Okay.
I guess it makes sense that we talk. I’ve felt more and more guilty for not reaching out to him after the weekend’s events. He isn’t the one who spewed venom at me at the party, nor did he knock me from the ladder. But I know him and I know he feels responsible.
We’ve only been apart a few days but I miss him more than I would have dreamed possible.
Mom had come home and brought me lunch but hadn’t stayed long. I’m feeling a lot better, but that didn’t stop me from shuffling around in purple pajama pants, a ratty old Empire Strikes Back T-shirt, and my pink bunny slippers all day long. It’s actually been kind of nice to have a day at home where I don’t have to worry about what anyone thinks of me and can focus on myself.
I have plans to work on my French homework in a while, and I’ve just finished putting on one of those detoxifying mud masks when the doorbell rings. I freeze in place. Who the heck could that be? My eyes dart back and forth, mild panic setting in. Crap. I know what I look like with one of these masks on. It’s just my luck that someone would come to the house the second I apply one. Normally, no one would even be home to answer the door. Maybe I can ignore it.
The bell rings again, then there’s a knock. Whoever is there doesn’t seem to be leaving. I scurry from my room into my parents’ bedroom, which overlooks the street. It’s almost as if whoever it is knows I’m here.
Oh, shit.
Micah’s SUV is parked out from on the street. O-M-G. When I said he could come over sometime, I didn’t think he’d show up in the middle of the school day—today. I run my hands over my hair, which is in a knot on the top of my head, and glance down over my lounge-around-at-home outfit. Another rap sounds at the door. I can just imagine all six foot three of him standing on the other side of my door looking completely edible and here I am looking like—
My phone vibrates right in my hand.
Daph’s Dream Dick:Daph? Are you in there?
Me:Yes. You have poor timing.
Me:Besides, what are you doing here? You should be at school.
Daph’s Dream Dick: Why is it poor timing?
Daph’s Dream Dick:Open the door.
I shove my phone in my pocket and bolt down the stairs, then peek out the little side window. He’s in his school uniform, one hand in his pants pocket, the other looking down at his phone. A current zaps through my body as my eyes roam over him.
I’m so busy drooling, I don’t move away from the window fast enough. He sees me. “Daphne, come on. Open up.”
Biting down on my lip, I crack the door, hiding behind it. “Micah, I don’t want you to see me like this.”
“Like what?”
“That’s the poor timing I was referring to. I just put a mud mask on my face, and I’m wearing my pajamas.”
“Sounds hot.”
“Not hot. I have on pink bunny slippers.”
Despite the fact that I’m holding the door, Micah manages to push it open. Honestly, I don’t put up much resistance, allowing him to see me in all my mud-mask-and-pink-bunny-slipper glory. I stare at him with wide eyes.
At first, he doesn’t say a word, just looks me up and down. “Still hot.” Then he cracks a grin. “And really fucking cute. What are you doing, having a spa day?”
I shrug, and start to smile, but then I’m reminded of my mask when my skin pulls. “You can come in on one condition.” I raise my hand to my face, touching my cheek with my fingers where it’s starting to dry.
“We’ve transitioned from bets to conditions?”
“Mm-hmm. For sure.”
His lips twist as he shoulders his way in. “And what would the condition be?”
“I still have to let my mask dry, so you have to let me put one on you, too.”
Micah sputters out a laugh. “Sorry, what?”