Page 56 of Ruthless Rose

Chapter 31

Micah’s Lexus GX has that new car smell and is so comfortable I almost tell him I’d like to stay in here with him forever and forego the party. But then it hits me how this vehicle also serves as a reminder of how different my life is from Micah’s—the party at his home will be the same. He’s a Rose through and through, no doubt about it. He doesn’t think twice about any of this, as far as I can tell—expensive cars, clothes, houses …

I gaze out the window at the homes on Micah’s street, which only seem to increase in size as we continue along. I’m somewhat used to this neighborhood since Max lives nearby and, every once in a while, I hang out at his place. But I’m never entirely comfortable here, and always think I should park my car around the corner and out of sight. My little sedan doesn’t exactly fit in.

As we drive up to Micah’s home, my eyes widen. He could fit two homes the size of Max’s in there.

He hits the garage door opener. The middle of five bays opens and Micah drives in. Looking first one way and then the other, I note that there are a couple of fancy sports cars that probably would cost as much as my house, a large, expensive-looking SUV—maybe a Cadillac like Xander’s—and a sleek, black Raptor. “What did you say your parents do again?”

He side-eyes me. “My dad’s whole family is in pharmaceuticals. It takes him away a lot. My mom,”—he shrugs—“does a lot with charity work. Fancy fundraisers. Stuff like that. She’s always off at some gala or luncheon or whatever. But I’m pretty sure her favorite job is spending my dad’s money.”

Movement through the windows has my brow furrowing. The party seems like it’s already in full swing. I shift in my seat, meeting Micah’s eyes across the console. “Um, how are people already inside?”

His jaw twitches once before he says, “Alora knows where the spare key is and has the security code.”

I glance out the window, away from him. My chest tightens and my mouth goes bone-dry. Don’t make more of that than it is. So, she’s been here a lot … that’s no surprise. “Is she going to flip out that I’m here?”

“If she does, she can take herself right the fuck on home. I warned her I didn’t want any drama tonight.”

Micah seems pretty sure of himself. And I trust him—I think. But I don’t trust Alora as far as I can throw her pom-poms. There’s a fairly high probability that she’ll try another bitch move tonight, no matter what he’s asked of her. Maybe she’ll shove me into the pool or … wait, who am I kidding? She wouldn’t let anyone see her actually do that. She’d pay someone to send me fully clothed into the water. Or to trip me. Or maybe just spray me down with whipped cream? Sounds like a good time all the way around.

“Okay.” Breathe. Scarlett will be here with Xander. And Max. It’s going to be okay. I’m just getting up the nerve to unbuckle when I blink and see Micah already at my door, opening it. I release my pent-up breath and slide out.

Micah holds his hand out to me, and I take it. Another first. Funny to think how incredibly out of order and backwards Micah and I are with everything.

He’d given me an orgasm before he’d held my hand.

He’d touched my bare ass before he’d kissed me.

He’d caught my eye before he’d known my name.

I chuckle internally. I guess we’re finding our own way.

We enter through a door at the side of the garage that leads directly down a hallway, at the end of which lies a massive kitchen. We get about halfway to the kitchen when Micah halts and looks down at me.


“You’re squeezing the hell out of my hand.”

I loosen my hold, but my gaze bounces everywhere, taking in our surroundings. “Sorry. I guess I’m a little nervous.”

He studies my face. “Because of my house? I promise what we have means next to nothing.”

“Eh, not necessarily the house, though I do feel like I’m in an alternate universe right now. I’m not used to any of this. The party, the people…” I give an uncomfortable laugh.

“And that makes you nervous?”

As I steal another glance down the hall, I whisper softly, “What are they going to think about you showing up with me?” My eyes drift down to the floor.

“Daphne.” When I don’t immediately look up, he hooks his knuckle under my chin, gently forcing me to look into his eyes. “First of all, there are very few people whose opinions I genuinely care about. And as for the rest of them partying in there, I don’t give a fuck what they think about anything. They’re only here for free booze and the social standing that comes with being invited.”

He squeezes my hand. “So, let’s go get a drink and then we can figure out what we want to do.” He scans my body. “You wore a swimsuit, right?”

Self-consciously, I reach for the back of my neck where my halter-style suit is tied, nodding my head.

“What color is it?”

“Green.” I wore it knowing it’s his favorite color. I may have taken a peek at that spirit squad form for that tiny tidbit.