Page 54 of Ruthless Rose

Chapter 30

Scarlett, Max, and I stand at one end of the football field watching the game, but I haven’t a clue what is happening. There’s a blur of red-and-black uniforms mixed with the gray and black of the other school, and it’s hard for me to tell what’s going on at any given time.

It feels a little surreal to be here; this is only my second game ever. The last time I was in this exact spot I’d been supporting Scarlett and would never have dreamed I’d be back because Micah invited me. Sure, we made a bet, but I’d been telling him the absolute truth when I said I would come no matter what his physics grade had been. Turns out he’d scored a ninety-four—a ninety-freaking-four. That’s an A. I’m positive he could have been scoring that high all along on his own. I don’t understand what his motivation could be for flunking, especially since it was about to affect his position on the football team. Why would he purposely tank his grades? I tuck my questions aside as I return my attention to the game. The only person who can answer them for me is Micah.

With a little sigh, I scan the field for him and spot him returning to the bench as the defense takes the field. Before sitting down, he surveys the crowd, looking pointedly at the spot where I told him I’d be. His unwavering gaze settles on me, and he lifts his hand. I can practically sense the relief rolling through his body because I’m actually here—I kept my promise to him.

And I freely admit I desperately hope the person he always wants—always needs—is me.

A second later, he’s forced to look away as his teammates get his attention. Right in front of the bench, the cheerleaders wave their pom-poms around, executing a complex routine of kicks, twirls, and jumps.

My eyes land on Alora, whose face seems to contort into a terrible sneer every time she glances in this direction. I never should have told Micah I didn’t want to know what was said between them because, oh man, do I ever. Especially given the way she is now shooting me the evil eye.

I chuckle to myself. Something inside of me has changed, has me doing things that are not typical Daphne. Micah has me doing things I definitely wouldn’t normally do. For example, here I am, hanging out at a football game, watching the big guy do his thing on the field. If you’d told me a month ago that I’d be attending football games on a Friday night, I’d have laughed in your face and gone right back to my book.

I frown as a thought occurs to me. I have a rudimentary understanding of the game—four quarters, four attempts to move the ball at least ten yards or hand over possession of the ball, touchdowns, field goals, etcetera. Got it. But, oh my God, I have no idea what a tight end does.

Scarlett and Max have been talking while I’ve been lost in my thoughts, but the moment they see me perk up and start really watching the field, they take notice.

“Hey, Max, what exactly does a tight end do?”

Scarlett snorts out a giggle. “I have an answer, but I’m pretty sure it’s not the one you’re looking for.”

Max shakes his head at her, sliding her a faux grimace. “Cupcake, you’re lucky Xander is a wide receiver. It’s pretty obvious what he does.” He turns his attention to me just as a flag is thrown on the last play and everything comes to a halt. “So, a tight end is a hybrid player—that means Micah is a cross between an offensive lineman and a wide receiver.”

“Oh.” My brow furrows, and I glance at Scarlett to see she doesn’t understand any better than I do. It’s all a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me. “Um, what’s a lineman do?”

Max groans. “Maybe you should get your google on. Or ask Micah to explain.”

I swat at his arm. “No, I need you to explain it better.”

“Okay, okay. He helps block just like the linemen, opens up holes in the defense, will help protect the quarterback if necessary, and can catch passes.”

I bite my lip, nodding as I grip the fence in front of me and stare out onto the field looking for number twelve.

Scarlett leans close to my ear. “Don’t worry. I’m not ever one hundred percent sure what’s going on either.”

Funny she said that because it’s exactly what I’m feeling. I have no idea what’s going on—not with this game, and not with my life.

I’m a mess. And my heart is sprinting up and down the field right along with Micah as he plays. Is it a mistake to let it?

After the game, Max and Scarlett left to get something to eat before the party, but I’d stayed back when Micah had texted me to wait for him. I lean on the fence, watching the door as the team trickles out a few at a time.

Chewing on my lip, I scan them as they come out. I notice Shayne and Carter walk by with a few other guys, and my gut twists, but they immediately turn their heads away from me. Wow. I don’t know what Xander and Beau said to them, but whatever it was, it was effective.

Finally, I spot Beau and Micah exiting together in a crowd of other football players. As they approach, there’s some mumbling among them, but I distinctly hear someone say, “Who’s she waiting for?” A few pairs of eyes snap in my direction.

Micah claps Beau on the shoulder, and he separates from the group, hurrying toward me.

As he jogs over, I glance over his shoulder to see the rest of the guys watching him, the question clear on their faces: What’s he doing with her?

My breath stutters as Micah gets to me. “Hey.”

I give him a tight smile. “Hi.”His teammates are still staring in our direction.

Micah glances over his shoulder to see what I’m looking at. “Don’t pay them any attention.”

Swallowing hard, I nod before my eyes drop to my feet.