Page 31 of Ruthless Rose

I chew on the inside of my cheek before I decide on my next move. I murmur softly as I stare right into his eyes, “You want to know something else? The explosions aren’t realistic either, especially not to that scale. Because if there is no oxygen in space, then where does the fire for the explosion come from? It’d be seriously hard for something like Alderaan to blow up like it does in A New Hope.”

“You’re going to pay for messing with me like this, Daphne.” He dips his head down close to mine. I think for a terrifying second he’s going to kiss me, but he doesn’t. He hesitates.

And I die a little inside. “I’d like to see you try.”

He lets me slide down to my feet. “You already owe me for the library book. You won’t see it coming, but you’ll pay for all of it. Eventually.”

Hearing him say that makes me hot all over, and I don’t even know why. It’s like I’m too close to one of Tattooine’s two suns. Oh God, I am a geek.

We’ve just sat down at the table again to put our notebooks away and take off for home when Micah stops to stare out the window. For several moments, I continue packing up, not bothering to turn to see what he’s looking at. Then the longer he’s still, I realize he’s now staring at me—like he has something to say, but is trying to figure out how to say it.

I set my bag on my lap. “What? Do I have a hot chocolate mustache or something?”

He slowly shakes his head and runs his hand over the stubble coming in on his jaw. “Are you going to the game Friday?”

My brows draw together. “No.” My answer comes out a soft whisper.

He clears his throat. “Why not?”

“Why would I?” I counter.

“To watch me play?” It comes out like a question, and his eyes are strangely pleading. Vulnerable. I’ve always thought his rich brown eyes were pretty, but have never noticed the hazel flecks in them before, and definitely have never seen Micah do anything close to beg. But that’s what it looks like his eyes are doing—begging me to do this thing for him. Why me? I have no idea. He has to know it’s something I’m uncomfortable with. Yet … I don’t know how to say no to this Micah.

I inhale. Exhale. Wait a few seconds and still his eyes haven’t left mine. Anxious, I try diverting his attention to something else. “You don’t seem to be having much trouble with your classes lately. You didn’t even need my help today.”

He grits his teeth and finally looks down to where his hands lace together. His teeth rake over his full, masculine lip. “I told you, remember? I don’t need a tutor.”

My forehead pinches into a crease. “I don’t get you, Micah.”

“Yeah, you’ve said that before. Not many people do.”

“Yet you talk more to me when we’re alone than I’ve ever seen you talk to anyone else.”

“Ditto. You’re usually pretty quiet, too.”

I press my lips together. “Who does understand you best, Micah?” I expect him to say his parents or maybe Alora or Farrah—the girls he’s intimate with. The second the thought enters my head, my stomach curdles.

“Xander and Beau. They’re pretty much the only ones who know the real me.”

Huh.I guess I can see that. I’m beginning to believe Micah is far more complex than I’d originally thought. I debate with myself for all of three seconds before I blurt out, “Okay. I’ll make you a deal. If you pass the physics test with at least a B on Thursday, I’ll go to the game to watch you.”


“Yeah. If you can manage a B, I’ll sacrifice my time with a good book for you.”

Micah leans closer to me, catches my chin in his fingers and stares into my eyes. His eyes flick down to my lips and back up. For a second time today, I think he’s going to kiss me. I hold my breath in anticipation.

But then he lets go of me and edges back in the seat. He appears to give himself a little shake and slaps his hands on his thighs. “I’ve got to go.”

“Oh. Big plans on a Tuesday night?”

He grabs the back of his neck, eyeing me in a way that makes me think I’m not going to want to hear his answer, much less like it. “I told Alora I’d swing by when we were done.”


“See you at school?”

I swallow. “Yeah. Sure. See you tomorrow.”