Page 68 of Ruthless Rose

Chapter 37

This migraine hangover is going to be the death of me. I always feel awful the day after, so it’s not surprising.

And maybe I’m also putting my head in the sand with the whole Micah situation—and Alora and all the homecoming stuff—but I decide to just stay home today. Taking a deep breath, I leave my room and stop at the top of the stairs. I lower myself to the top step and sit, folding my arms around my knees. “Mom?” I call out to her in a soft voice.

Her footsteps sound from around the corner and she pauses at the foot of the stairs. “What’s wrong?” She hurries up to me, immediately putting a hand to my forehead in a gesture that makes me feel a little like I’m a toddler again and need to be taken care of.

“I still feel like crap. If I e-mail my teachers, do you mind if I stay home and rest? I’ll have them send my assignments.”

“You’re sure you’re okay? We don’t have anyone else working at the bookstore today. It’s just your dad and me, so I have to go in.”

I give my head a slow shake. “I’ll be fine. The excitement level at school the week of homecoming is kind of way out there, and I don’t know if I can handle it with my brain still feeling mushy.” That’s part of it, anyway.

She nods. “Okay. We won’t be back until after closing tonight, but we’ll probably alternate lunch breaks. I can come check on you midday.”

“I’ll probably be watching TV or sleeping until my teachers can send me stuff. You don’t have to come.”

Mom leans in, planting a kiss on my cheek. “I know I don’t, but I’m your mother. I’ll see you around noon.”

I’d probably been dozing for about an hour when my phone vibrates where it rests on my chest. Picking it up and thumbing it open, my brows raise.

Daph’s Dream Dick:I know you said you needed space, but I feel like you’re hardcore avoiding me.

That’s because I am.

Daph’s Dream Dick:Where are you? I waited outside the library after first period, but you never came out.

It’s unfair of me to continue ignoring his texts. He’s been thinking about me, that much is clear.

Me:Hey. I’m at home.

Daph’s Dream Dick:Are you sick?

Daph’s Dream Dick:I was worried when you left Spanish.

Daph’s Dream Dick:I thought maybe you couldn’t stand to be in the room with me.

I chew on my lip. It’s not him, it’s the whole damn situation. Specifically, the vicious little wench always plotting new ways to make my life hell.

Me:I had a migraine yesterday. Sometimes I don’t feel so hot for a while after.

Daph’s Dream Dick:Sorry you feel crappy.


I don’t know what else to say, so I stare at my phone, unsure if he’s done. Several minutes go by, so I set my phone down and close my eyes. When my eyes blink back open a while later, I realize it’s because my phone’s been vibrating.

Daph’s Dream Dick:Is there anything you need?

Daph’s Dream Dick:I’d like to come by. There’s something I want to say to you.

Daph’s Dream Dick:But I get it if you aren’t up to it.

I breathe carefully in and out. He wants to see me. Part of me thinks it’s best if he doesn’t. Most of me wants to be wrapped up in his arms and for him to tell me everything’s okay.

Me:Sorry, I was sleeping.

Me:You could maybe come over sometime if you want.