Chapter 2
We must have been in the headmaster’s office longer than I realized because by the time Micah and I shuffle out of there—neither of us very happy—the hallways are full of students heading to their first class of the day. Black blazers with rose logos and black-and-red plaid skirts reign supreme.
My thoughts are a mess, wondering what the headmaster was talking about at the very end of our conversation. Why would the guidance counselor want to talk to me? My grades are impeccable. None of my grades have dipped below an A+ this semester. My college applications aren’t finished yet, but they aren’t technically due until January 1. Even if I want to apply for an early decision acceptance somewhere, I still have almost a whole month. Ugh. It can’t be that.
With a sigh, I follow Micah toward the side door that leads to the hallway where most of the senior classes are located. He yanks the door open and as he passes through, it smacks into a chair and bounces closed behind him.
I’m glad I wasn’t following more closely, or I’d have ended up with the door slamming into me. Blowing out a quick breath, I grab the handle and let myself out.
Micah’s long-legged stride eats up the hallway, and if I want to say anything to him, I’ll have to hurry to catch up. Shit. Do I really have to say something to him? I feel like … like maybe I should. I owe him that, I guess. I’d be embarrassed as hell if I got called out like that by my coach. At least I think I would be. I’ve never had a coach in my life.
I scramble down the hallway as fast as I can. It takes me a good thirty seconds to catch up to him. “Micah,” I gasp out, “can I talk to you for a second?”
He rounds on me, forcing me to skid to a stop or run right into him. He towers a good eight inches or so over me, the top of my head barely meeting his chin. I tilt my head back. “I—”
He looks down at me, his tongue tucked into his cheek. His stare is ruthless. Coldhearted. Steely. Fierce. His eyes say I’m just a peasant, and he’s a king. I’m no better than a piece of toilet paper stuck to his shoe.
Under his terrifying scrutiny, I feel less than. Not good enough. My heart rate accelerates when I realize I’m not sure what I’m trying to say even though I’ve stopped him in the middle of the hallway. Poked the beast. And he. Looks. Pissed.
“You what?” His jaw twitches as he folds his arms across his puffed-out chest, legs spread in a dominant stance that I’m sure is meant to intimidate.
I sink my teeth into my lip so it’ll stop trembling and look him straight in the eye. “I wanted to say that it’s not a big deal.”
His brows raise, challenging me. “What’s not a big deal?”
“You… you needing some help. That’s all.” Why can’t I draw in a breath? I’m suffocating.
He steps closer and dips his head down toward mine. Minty breath from his toothpaste and the scent of his bodywash wafts off of his skin and right up my nose. Neither is unappealing. But the way he’s looking at me makes me want to run away and forget I ever said I’d help him.
His words hiss out quietly, for my ears only. “I don’t need a tutor. Just pretend like you’re doing it.” His eyes narrow on mine. They’re like a deep, dark pit, void of any feeling or emotion—at least none he wants to show me, anyway.
My chest heaves. “But if you want to play football, keeping your grades up is important, Micah.” Where’s the guy who Scarlett says has been kind to her? The one she now calls a friend?
His head tilts to the side as he comes even closer, until we are nose to nose. The front of his blazer brushes mine on our inhale. He’s so close I have the errant thought that if I had any boobs at all, they’d be smashed up against his abs. Alas, I’m lucky if I have an A cup, so…
“I’m not a fucking idiot, Daphne.” He slams his huge hand into the locker next to us, punctuating his words. My eyes widen as I flinch. “You’d do well to remember that, sweetheart.” Micah takes one last slow look at me as he backs up, and I feel his eyes roam from my head to my toes, touching me everywhere. I gather my book bag in front of me, staring back at him, confused as hell. Micah mumbles something under breath, shakes his head, and walks away.